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The Australian ‘Middle Power Diplomacy’-Focusing on Foreign Policies of the Rudd Government

导  师: 唐小松

学科专业: 030207

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 1931年《威斯敏斯特法》通过后,澳大利亚开始了其独立外交之路。二战以来,澳大利亚萌发了强烈的“中等强国”情结,60多年的外交实务发展出了澳大利亚“中等强国外交”,它包含三大标志性传统:“国家主义”、“国际主义”、“行动第一主义”。2007年当选为澳大利亚总理的“中国通”陆克文,更是力图通过“首创精神”来推动澳大利亚“富有创造力的中等强国外交”。鉴于国内“中等强国”理论和“中等强国外交”的研究很少、对澳大利亚外交政策的研究也不多,本研究确定了三个方面的研究任务,分五章对澳大利亚“中等强国外交”进行述评,并聚焦讨论陆克文政府“富有创造力中等强国外交”。 第一章解释了研究目的和意义,进行了国内外文献的综述,并介绍了研究方法和基本框架。 第二章对“中等强国”理论的发展进行了综述与分析;然后讨论并概括了“中等强国外交”的基本特点。 第三章是对澳大利亚“中等强国外交”的综合讨论,涵盖了从1941年到2007年之间的澳大利亚外交实务,主要回答了三个问题:澳大利亚为什么会有“中等强国”情结?其“中等强国外交”是如何发展的?有哪些特色? 第四章是本研究的关键性创新。它分析了陆克文政府回归“中等强国外交”的原因;概括了陆克文政府所采取的一系列以先动谋主动的“富有创造力中等强国外交”行动;最后分析得出:美澳同盟关系限制了澳大利亚外交的独立性,澳大利亚外交政策中“通过同盟政治保障安全”和“通过地区参与获取影响”两大变量竞争的内在矛盾、亚太权力竞争的现实、再加上澳大利亚实力有限,使得陆克文政府的外交政策面临困境。 第五章是总结章。除了对研究任务完成情况进行总结外,还对陆克文时代的中澳关系进行了展望。 Since The Statutes of Westminster became effective in 1931, Australia began its process of an independent diplomacy. The Second World War brought a chance to Australians to generate affection upon 'Middle Power Man-Ship', and the 60-year-long diplomatic practices developed Australian 'Middle Power Diplomacy', which has three symbolic traditions: 'nationalism', 'internationalism' and 'activism'. The experienced China hand Kevin Rudd, who was elected Premier Minister of Australia in 2007, is committing his government to the 'Creative Middle Power Diplomacy' through initiatives. In China, there are both few researches and literatures either on 'Middle Power' theories and 'Middle Power Diplomacy', or on Australian Foreign Policies. Considering the above, this thesis defines three aspects of research tasks, and reviews the Australian 'Middle Power Diplomacy' in five chapters. And it has a focus on the 'Creative Middle Power Diplomacy' of the Rudd government. Chapter One explains the purpose and significance of the study, summarizes related literatures, and presents the research methods and framework of the study. Chapter Two reviews and analyses the development of 'Middle Power' theories; then, it discusses and concludes the characteristics of 'Middle Power Diplomacy'. Chapter Three comprehensively discusses the Australian 'Middle Power Diplomacy', with a time range covering from 1941 to 2007. It mainly answers three questions: Why Australia requires its 'Middle Power Man-Ship'? How does the Australian 'Middle Power Diplomacy' develop? What are its characteristics? Chapter Four contains the core innovation of research. It analyses the reasons why the Rudd government revives the 'Middle Power Diplomacy'. Then, it sums up the series of initiatives carried out by the Rudd government to enforce the 'Creative Middle Power Diplomacy'. It finally argues that US-Australian alliance restricts the independence of Australian diplomacy, within which there is a structural problem, the rival between two primary variables: 'security via alliance politics' or 'influence via regional engagement'. Restricted by this intrinsic problem, the cruel power politics competition in Asia-Pacific region and the inferior strength of Australian influence, Kevin Rudd's foreign policies are facing dilemma. Chapter Five concludes major findings and presents a brief expectation upon the Sino-Australian relations in the Rudd times.

关 键 词: 中等强国 中等强国外交 澳大利亚 陆克文 首创精神

分 类 号: [D861.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 宾科
作者 吴秀雨
作者 罗俊翀
作者 栾洋
作者 施爱国


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学国际学院东南亚研究所


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚