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基于XML和Web Services异构数据转换的设计与实现
Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Data Exchange Based on XML and Web Services

导  师: 魏志强

学科专业: 081202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学

摘  要: 随着Internet技术和通信技术的快速发展,政务办公系统和电子商务系统在政府和企业中广泛应用,基于现代信息技术和通信技术的“电子政府”应运而生。政府机构使用新的政府办公系统为社会提供高效的管理和服务职能。这些系统在长时间的使用中存储了大量的宝贵的数据资料,如何将旧的系统中的数据转换到新的系统中,并且解决各个应用系统中出现的“信息孤岛”问题是本文研究的重点。本文为了解决上述问题研究和设计了基于XML和Web Services异构数据转换系统。本系统为政府和企业的数据转换、数据共享以及数据的透明访问提供解决方案。 该数据转换系统利用XML的简单、自我描述性和平台无关性等优点,以XML文档作为中间过渡形式,实现数据由源数据库经由XML数据文档到目的数据库的转换。XML Schema可以描述XML文档的结构,同时XML Schema还拥有丰富的基本数据类型和派生数据类型、自定义复杂数据类型的特点。本文使用XML Schema描述数据库的关系模式和XML数据文档的结构,规范和约束XML数据文档的有效性和合法性,为数据库关系模式和XML数据文档的结构之间建立映射。数据转换是从数据库到XML文档和从XML文档到数据库的双向转换。数据转换系统首先根据XML数据文档的XML模式生成数据库关系模式,然后根据生成的关系模式解析并提取XML数据文档中的数据,并将这些数据存储到相应的数据表中。 简单对象访问协议/(SOAP/)是一种轻量级的访问协议,WSDL是用来描述Web服务以及如何对它们进行访问的协议,这两种协议都是基于XML语言的,符合XML语言的规范,具有XML语言的特点和优点。本文使用SOAP和WSDL协议将数据转换系统包装和描述成Web服务的形式,并将它们部署和发布出去,供服务请求者在应用程序中调用和使用这些功能函数和接口。 本文� With the rapid development of Internet technology and communication technology, the government office systems and e-commerce system were widely used by government and enterprise,Based on modern information and communication technology,the 'electronic government' came into being. Government agencies use the new system of government office to provide the society with efficient management and service functions.In the long term, these systems storage of a large amount of valuable data on,how to use the data exchange system to transform the data from the old system to the new system, and to solve the 'information island' problem is focus in this paper. In this paper,in order to solve these problems ,we research and design the system of heterogeneous data exchange baseed on XML and Web Services. The system provides the solutions to the government and enterprise, the solutions are about data transform ,data sharing and data transparent access. With the simple, self-descriptive and platform-independent features and advantages of XML , in this paper,we use the XML data document as the middle layer,to transform data from the source database to the destination database by the XML data document . XML Schema can description the structure of the XML data document, while XML Schema also has a wealth of basic data types and derived data types, since the definition of the characteristics of complex data types. In this paper, the use of XML Schema to describe the relationship between the database model and the structure of XML data files, XML data binding norms and document the effectiveness and legitimacy of the relationship between the database model and the structure of XML data document mapping between. Data conversion from the database to XML documents and XML documents to the database from the two-way conversion. First of all, the data conversion system based on XML data model to generate XML document model database, and then generate the pattern of relationships based on analysis and extraction of XML data files in th

关 键 词: 映射

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]




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