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Study on the Index System of the Core Competitiveness of China's Competitive Athletics

导  师: 袁作生

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

摘  要: 本研究基于影响中国竞技体育和田径竞技实力的相关要素背景下,结合中国竞技田径的现有实力和发展态势,针对世界田坛格局的变化和发展态势,以企业核心竞争力理论为指导,以影响中国田径竞技实力的多层次因素为重要依据,严格遵循体育社会学指标体系构建的原则,按照指标体系构建的程序和方法,初步构建中国竞技田径核心竞争力指标体系。 本研究主要运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、层次分析法、灰色关联分析法对中国竞技田径核心竞争力指标体系构建进行了探索性研究,本研究得出以下结论: 1.中国竞技田径核心竞争力是指在竞争过程中,竞技田径竞争主体在自身要素的优化组合上、客体要素的支撑上及与外部环境的交互作用上所体现出来的相对于对手实现最佳成绩和社会价值而形成的持续竞争优势。 2.2004年~2006年,中国竞技田径整体实力有所提高,女子项目的整体优势明显,部分运动员表现出较高的竞技水平;中国田径各项目实力指数各不相同,各个项目的竞争呈不断变化发展的态势。 3.中国竞技田径核心竞争力的指标体系函括3个一级指标,即动力层竞争力、支撑层竞争力和环境层竞争力;12个二级指标,即田径教练员资源竞争力、田径运动员资源竞争力、科研与训练结合程度、参赛能力、政府政策力度、田径裁判员资源竞争力、田径后备力量竞争力、后勤保障竞争力、媒体宣传力度、田径赛制竞争力、管理竞争力和开放竞争力;37个三级指标。 4.研究结果表明中国竞技田径核心竞争力一、二、三级指标均具有较强的一致性,其体系内在结构具有较强的逻辑性和科学性。 5.中国竞技田径核心竞争力一级指标的权重排序为:动力层竞争力、支撑层竞争力、环境层竞争力,动力层竞争力是中国竞技田径核心竞争力的源动力;中国竞技田径核心竞争力二级指标的权重排序为:田径教练员资源竞争力、政府政策力度、田径运动员资源竞争力、参赛能力、管理竞争力、田径后备力量竞争力、科研与训练结合程度、田径裁判员资源竞争力、后勤保障竞争力、媒体宣传力度、田径赛制竞争力、开放竞争力。 6.灰色关联度分析结果表明中国竞技田径核心竞争力指标体系具有较强的实践性和科学性。 Based on the context of the relevant elements of affecting competitive sports and competitive strength of track and field in china,combining the existing strength of competitive athletics in China and the development trend of its,according to the changes and the development trend of the pattern of track and field in world,under the guide of the core competitiveness of enterprises theory,on the important basis of multi-level factors of affecting China' s competitive strength of track and field,strictly following construction principle in sports sociology index,in accordance with the procedures and the methods of the index system construction,the article had initially constructed the core competitiveness index system of competitive athletics in China. By using literature,expert interviews,AHP and grey correlation analysis, the article had an exploratory research on the index system construction of China's competitive athletics core competitiveness,reached the following conclusions: 1.The core competitiveness of China competitive athletics is the sustained competitive advantage which reflects the best results and the social values by the relative to the opponent among the optimum combination in main elements of competitive athletics,the support of the objects elements,the interaction of the external environment in the process of competition. 2.2004 - 2006,The overall competition strength of China' s track and field increased,The overall advantages in women' s projects was obvious,of which showed high competitive level;The strength index in China track and field projects varied,The competition of each item was in the constant evolving situation. 3.The core competitiveness index system of competitive athletics in China includes three indexes in the first layer,namely dynamic layer competitiveness,support layer competitiveness and environment layer competitiveness;There are 12 indexes in the second layer,namely track and field coaches resources competitiveness,track and field athletes resources competitiveness,combination between research and training, entries capacity,government policy efforts,track and field referee resources competitiveness,track and field reserve force competitiveness, logistical support competitiveness,media intensity, athletics-competitive,management competitiveness and open competitive; There are 37 indexes in the third layer. 4.Study results show that the first,the second,the third layer indexes of the core competitiveness of China' s competitive track and field are consistent;The internal structure of its is scientific and logic. 5.The first layer indexes of the core competitiveness of China's competitive track and field sort:dynamic layer competitiveness,support layer competitiveness,environment layer competitiveness,dynamic layer competitiveness is the driving force of the core competitiveness of China's competitive athletics;The second layer indexes of the core competitiveness of China's competitive track and field sort:Track and Field Coaches resources competitiveness,Government policy efforts, Athletes resources competitiveness,Entries capacity,Management competitiveness,Track and Field reserve force competitiveness, Combination between scientific research and training level,Track and Field referee resources,Logistical support competitiveness,Media intensity,Athletics-competitive,Open competitive. 6.Grey correlation analysis result show that the core competitiveness index system of China's competitive athletics is scientific and practical.

关 键 词: 竞技田径 核心竞争力 指标体系 实力 中国

分 类 号: [G82]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 玄黎娜
作者 卢延文
作者 门阑
作者 李灵
作者 汤方清


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院


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作者 康超
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作者 廖荆梅
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