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China Track and Field Competition System Development and Reform

导  师: 沈信生

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

摘  要: 体制改革一直是我国体育改革的核心,而竞赛体制改革作为体育体制改革的龙头,尤为引人注目。建立适应社会主义市场经济、公平合理的竞赛体制是促进我国体育事业发展的需要,是保证竞赛活动多元功能发挥的重要前提。 本研究在查阅资料、调查访问、数据分析的基础上,根据历史发展的脉络,对建国以来我国田径竞赛发展的全过程进行梳理,并结合我国现阶段竞赛体制改革的目标,深入分析和探讨我国田径竞赛体制方面出现的问题,提出在不同层次、不同级别的田径竞赛之间的协调发展和改革的设想方案。 我国竞赛体制的形成和发展是以全运会赛制改革为主线,带动和不断深化我国竞赛体制的全面改革过程;通过竞赛体制的改革,调动了社会参与运动竞赛的积极性,运动竞赛朝着市场化、社会化、多样化方向发展;经过多年的发展,我国建设起了一批现代化的体育场馆和培养了一支职称结构合理、年龄结构合理、业务精的裁判员队伍,为开展各种运动竞赛提供了良好的软硬件条件。 我国田径运动经过60年的发展,总体水平有了较大的提高,但仍处于世界中下游水平;中国田径协会/(国家田径管理中心/)对全国田径竞赛计划的制定、组织和实施起着决定性的作用,拥有并垄断着国内所有全国性的田径竞赛资源,制定的各种竞赛制度具有权威性或强制性;经过多年的改革和完善,我国在竞技田径上形成了以奥运会、世界锦标赛等重大比赛为目标指向的竞赛设置和安排,对促进我国田径项目总体的成绩提高与稳定起到了积极的作用。 我国田径裁判队伍的建设,经历了初步创立、稳步发展、“文革”影响、完善制度、国际接轨等阶段,工作水平不断提高,基本上达到了制度化、规范化、国际化的水平。 我国田径项目的总体成绩长期在中下游徘徊,竞赛市场开发深受影响,开发困难很大,市场开发仍处于起步阶段。田径竞赛市场中开发情况比较好的是马拉松比赛系列,将其作为我国田径市场开发的重点和突破口,容易获得社会效益和经济效益双赢的结果。 我国田径优秀运动员的竞赛安排结构有待改善,要通过“请进来、走出去”的方法,改善其竞赛结构。青少年竞赛安排上存在着总量不足的现象,可通过增加比赛层次结构,满足青年组的运动员参赛的需要;通过加强与教育系统的横向联系,增加少年组的运动员的参赛次数。 借助奥运会后的后效应作用,开展群众性的田径竞赛活动,推动田径运动的社会化进程。 As we know institutional reform has always been the core of China's sports reform,while the reform of competition system plays a leading role in the sports reform and causes the society's attention.To construct a fair and reasonable competition system that meets the demand of the socialist market -oriented economy is not only due to the development of China's sport cause, but also the important prerequisite to ensure the fulfillment of competition's multi-function. Based on the context researching,investigation and statistic analysis,this research sums up the whole development of China's track and field events,have a deep analysis of the problems that exist in the system of China's track and field competition and bring up proposals for different classes or levels track and field events. The development of China's competition system has the system of National Games as its center that stimulates and deepens the China's competition system.Through the reform of competition system,it mobilizes the whole society's participation in the sport competition and also the sport competition becomes more market-oriented,socialized and diversified.So far China has founded series of modern sports venues and has brought up a well-constructed team of referees that provide both hardware and software facilities for kinds of competitions. Though the sport of track and field in China has made a great development due to the 60-year development,it still lies in the middle and lower level in the world.Chinese Athletics Association plays a key role in the making,organizing and carrying out of the country's track and field competition program,possesses and monopolizes all of resources of the whole nation's track and field competition and enjoys a high level of authority.Besides,track and field in China has formed such big games as Olympics or World Champions-oriented competition system that plays a positive role in the advancing of China's track and field' permanent and stable development. After periods of initial founding,Cultural Revolution,system-improvement and gearing to international standards,the construction of the referee team of China's track and field improves constantly and basically became more institutionalized,standardized and international. For the long period of poor performance of China's track and field in the world,the market development suffers a lot and still lies in the initial stage.Among that series of Marathon events develops very well,so it can be as the break-up point for the track and field's market development and achieve the double-wins of social and economic benefits. The competition construct of China's track and field elites still needs to be improved and it is expected to make full use of the strategy of "please in,go out" to perfect the construct.The events for the juniors are not enough,so it is time to increase the levels of competition for them to meet their competition needs and consolidate the relations with the education system to increase the junior's competition. Should affect after Olympic Games' result,development mass track and field competition, impels the track and field meet the socialized advancement.

关 键 词: 体育体制 竞赛体制 田径运动

分 类 号: [G82]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 高茂章
作者 刘燕舞
作者 吴劲松
作者 郭洪浩
作者 刘国强


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院体育教育系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟