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The Study on Precontract Legal System

导  师: 李开国

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南政法大学

摘  要: 契约从罗马时期发展至今已有两千多年的历史了,从当初适应罗马简单经济的几种契约类型,到今天形式多样,机制完备的契约法,可以说民法中这一与商品经济,或者说市场经济最为密切相关的法律部门已经是今非昔比。而整部契约法的发展最原始最坚实的推动力即来自于商品交换或者说市场本身。而各国的立法者也总是顺应经济发展的需要,对实务中出现的新的契约立法诉求予以积极的回应。 今天,契约法调整的范围已不仅仅限于契约生效到终结这一传统的期间,而是以这两个时间点为原点,向前后两端延伸,先契约义务和后契约义务是为证明。而在契约生效前当事人漫长的磋商、准备阶段,当事人的权益主要是由缔约过失责任予以规制,但在实务中却发现仅以此为保护机制并不足够。对于此种实践需要,出现了一种新型契约——预约,也即本文的论述客体。 本文第一部分,遵循传统的法学研究思路,对预约进行简要概述。首先,从预约的定义入手,介绍了理论界对于预约的几种定义,并将本文所论述的预约范围限定在双方法律行为中,接着对预约的称谓进行了正本清源,提出预约合同这个名称存在同义反复的错误,预约二字已足够表征自身。其次,通过对预约的法律特征的概括总结,将其予以定性,并为下文预约的立法价值考察做出铺垫。再次,介绍了法国和美国理论界对于种类繁多的预约所作的分类,指出这两种分类各自的逻辑缺陷,并以指导实务为价值出发点,提出了新的两层分类模式,即将预约首先分为效力已约定的预约,效力未约定的预约。第二层建立在第一层划分出的两种预约基础上:在效力已约定的预约的场合,按照已约定的效力内容的不同进一步分为磋商效力预约/(约定的是磋商效力/),缔约效力预约/(约定的是缔约效力/);在效力未约定的预� The contract has more than 2000 years history until now from the Roman time.There were several kinds of contracts which adapt to simple economy of Roman,but today the contract law is a perfect legal system and includes so many forms of contracts.We can say this branch of civil law which has the closest relationship with the commodity economy or the market economy is totally different from what it was.The most primitive and powerful propelling force come from the transaction of commodity or the market,so the legislators of every countries obey the demand of development of the economy and positively formulates new legislations to reply such demand. Today,the period governed by contract law is not limit in the period between the time spot of the contract becomes effective and its end.Contract law takes these two time spots as the zero point and extends in two orientations/(before the contract becomes effective and after the contract reaches its end/) which is demonstrated by the responsibilities before and after the contract provided in contract law.And before the contract becomes effective,the litigants have to go through a long time consulting and preparing and their rights and interest are only protected by the responsibilities of consulting negligence.But it is not enough in practice. Therefore a new contract-precontract appears as a reply to this demand which is also the topic of this article. The first chapter outlines the precontract in accordance with the traditional legal science researching way.First,it begins with the definition of precontract and introduces some definitions of precontract of academic circle and limits the scope of the precontract into bilateral legal act.And then it proposes that 'precontract contract' has a tautology's mistake and precontract itself is enough to manifest what it represents.Second,this article sets forth the legal characteristics of precontract which define its legal nature and makes the foreshadowing for the legislation value of precontract below.Third,it in

关 键 词: 预约 本约 效力 违约责任

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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