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Study on Establish Zhixing Taijiquan

导  师: 刘焕兰

学科专业: 100502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州中医药大学

摘  要: 健康是人类永恒追求的生活主题,随着社会竞争的日益激烈,知识经济和信息时代的特质在不断地改变人们的生存状态,心身健康问题日趋明显,人们不但关注自身身体的不适,也开始逐步重视自己的心理健康,不断地寻找一种既能调整生理机能又能调节心理状态的方法,人们惊喜地发现,太极拳正符合要求。太极拳是中国传统文化与古代养生学说相融合的宝贵文化遗产,通过动作、呼吸、精神的锻炼,有意识地自我调控生理、心理活动,逐渐调整人体内部的生理机能,启发和诱导人体内在潜力,从而达到保健养生的目的。太极拳迅速传播与发展并呈现出空前繁荣的景象。 太极拳在繁荣发展的同时,其文化内涵却逐渐丧失,知而不行或行而不知是当今太极拳继承与发展所面临的重要问题。为解决现实问题,受中国传统文化中的“知行合一”观念启发,作者将知行观念引入太极拳的传承、发展和创新中,编创知行太极拳,具有重要的社会现实意义。 本文首先对中医和西医对心身修养的认识、太极拳调养心身的研究、太极拳的文化内涵做了梳理与总结,提炼出中国传统文化“儒、释、道”的思想核心“中、正、平、和、轻、灵、圆、活”八字,以之作为知行太极拳道德思想观念修养的依据,即“体”,并深刻阐释了其中的文化内涵。 知行太极拳以赵堡和式太极拳为底架,经初创与修编,定架为8式简化知行太极拳。其名称是:1、预备式;2、金刚三大对;3、懒扎衣;4、右白鹤亮翅;5、单鞭;6、云手;7、童子拜观音;8、收势。简化后的8式知行太极拳以“中、正、平、和、轻、灵、圆、活”八字为核心,仍不脱离太极十三势,即掤、捋、挤、按、采、捌、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼、定。其动作简洁流畅,易于掌握和练习,可根据具体需要循环演练,调养心身。 知行太极拳并不单纯作为一项体育锻炼,更重要的是作为中国传统文化的重要载体和体认之道。文化熏陶决定了人的思维方式和行为方式,文化的影响是无意识的,而这种影响却决定着人们的知觉、思想过程、情感、行为方式。 知行太极拳不仅使人获得强健的体魄,还能使人有良好的社会适应性及完善的心理状态,即心身健康,它与现代心理学有诸多会通之处,本文用比较研究的方法,将知行太极观和现代心理治疗学中的认知疗法、认知行为疗法、道家认知疗法、精神分析疗法进行比较研究,找出二者之间的联系与区别,让人们可以用现代心理治疗学的角度理解知行太极观,理解中国传统文化。 知行太极拳注重以太极的观念和太极运动的方式来培养人格,它追求的内在的、含蓄的、和谐的审美价值观,而不仅仅用动作与形体美来表达,从根本上抓住了人需要健康生命的价值核心。本文辑录了一位知行太极拳练习者黎耀华先生十多年来的练习体会,可以看到一位知行太极拳练习者心身同修,成长变化的过程。 中国传统文化是一种具有强烈现实性和实践性性格的文化,中国传统哲学所讨论的理论问题,主要是那些与现实实际生活密切相关的实践原则。知行太极拳遵循理论与实践紧密结合的特点,充分融合中医养生的脏腑、经络调养理论,四季调神养生理论,在“知”的层面体现中国传统的“儒、释、道”观念,在“行”的层面以太极的运动方式践行“儒、释、道”的思想精华,心身共养,知行合一,体悟自然,提高道德水平,传承文化,并将对人类健康水平的提高作出重要贡献。 Health is the eternal theme of the pursuit of life.Knowledge-based economy and the nature of the information age continues to change people's living condition,Increasing physical and mental health problems appear with society increasingly fierce competition.It is not only concerned about their own physical discomfort,but also to begin its own mental health,People begin to search for a physiological function but also can adjust the regulation of the psychological state of the method.People were pleasantly surprised to discover,Taijiquan is to meet the requirements.It is a valuable traditional Chinese culture and the ancient theory of health of health heritage.Through movement,breathing,mental training,control physiological and psychological activities automatically,adjust physiological functions within the human body, inspire and induce the inherent potential of the human body to achieve the purpose of health care.The rapid spread and development of Taijiquan and showed unprecedented prosperity. Cultural content is gradually lost in Taijiquan with its propagation, To solve this problem,The author introduced the concept of knowing and doing to Taijiquan's inheritance,development and innovation,It has important significance of the social reality. First,author summarized the research of Taijiquan care body and psychology and cultural connotations of Taijiquan.Second author pointed out the ideological core of confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism of chinese traditional culture is "zhong、zheng、ping、he、qing、ling、yuan、huo" and it is the theoretical basis of Zhixing Taijiquan. Zhixing Taijiquan base on Zhaobao Taijiquan,after several rounds of modification,it result 8 actions,name:1、qishi;2、jingangsandadui;3、lanzhayi;4、youbaiheliangchi;5、danbian;6、yunshou;7、tongzibaiguanyin、8、shoushi.these actions are simple and fluent,easy to control and practice. It can be practice repeatedly. Not only Zhixing Taijiquan is access to a strong physique,but also gives a good social adaptation and to improve the psychological state,there are many similar aspects with modern psychology.Author did Comparative studys on Cognitive Therapy、Cognitive-behavioral therapy、Taoist Cognitive Therapy、Psychoanalytic therapy with Zhixing Taijiquan To identify the links the difference,So that people can learn to use modern psychological perspective Zhixing Taijiquan and Chinese Traditional Culture. Zhixing Taijiquan focus on taiji concept and taiji movement on personality training,It's inherent in the pursuit,subtle and harmonious aesthetic values, and not only with physical action and to express the United States to grasp the value of the core of healthy life fundamentally.This article compiled a Zhixing Taijiquan practitioners Mr.Lai Yiu Wah Dominic practice for more than a decade of experience,you can see the process of his changes on body and the psychological state. Zhixing Taijiquan will make a great contribution to human health.

分 类 号: [G852.11]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 李庆年
作者 陈赓
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作者 黄明喜
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机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州体育学院武术系


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作者 廖荆梅
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