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Conceptual Integration Theory and Its Application to Metaphor Study

导  师: 卢植

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: Fauconnier和Turner的概念整合理论对于阐释语言的动态在线意义构建过程起到了巨大的作用,被广泛运用于分析诗歌、戏剧、电影和叙事散文等。本文采用概念整合理论解读和探索毛泽东诗词中隐喻的幕后认知机制,旨在进一步显示其在隐喻分析中的强大解释力并尝试扩大该理论的应用视角。 隐喻广泛的存在于诗歌之中,作为诗歌意义构建中一个必不可少的成分,承载了诗人大量的隐晦意义。毛泽东诗词通过丰富的隐喻意象将诗人的情感、观点、理想和信念等表达的淋漓尽致。本文根据毛泽东诗词的这一特点,将其按照诗词中所包含的意象,即自然意象、社会意象和神话意象,整体划分为三类,然后选取毛泽东在各个历史时期的四首诗词运用概念整合理论加以分析并得出以下三点结论:1/)隐喻识解的过程就是概念整合的过程,通过整合网络中的规约部分、规约结构部分、新奇映射以及关键压缩能够进一步解构更深层次的隐喻意义;2/)双畴网络的输入框架在涉及复杂的历史文化背景时存在着不同程度的冲突,这种冲突不但没有阻碍整合网络的构建,反而是对我们的想象力的挑战,整合起来的空间是最具创意的,突显其在隐喻解读中所起到的至关重要的作用。3/)概念整合不仅反映了诗人通过隐喻对信息概念的独特创造性思维,也揭示了读者在解读隐喻中所展示的丰富想象力。 Conceptual integration theory/(CIT/),proposed by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner,has recently contributed greatly to the interpretation of the dynamic on-line meaning construction process of language.Lately,CIT has been extended into many cognitive domains,such as the poems,dramas,films and narrative prose,etc.This thesis applies CIT into the analysis of meaning construction in the metaphors of Mao's poems,which explores the hidden cognitive mechanism involved in the interpretation of metaphor.Besides,it attempts to further demonstrate the conceptual integration theory's explanatory power on the metaphor analysis and open up a wider perspective on the application of conceptual integration theory simultaneously. Metaphor,which bears a large number of the hidden meanings from the poet,has long been treated as a necessary component to construct meaning in the poems.In Mao's poems,the poet expresses his emotions,ideas and resolutions thoroughly by way of numerous metaphorical images.This thesis proceeds by categorizing metaphors into three groups in accordance with the classification of metaphorical images,that is,natural phenomena,social activities and mankind creations,and then delving into them through CIT.Based on the analyses of Mao's four poems, which are respectively composed in Mao's different periods of lifetime,the author has achieved three tentative conclusions:1/) the interpretation of metaphor is a blending process.The integration networks,consisting of conventional parts,conventionally-structured parts,and novel mappings and compressions,can be further utilized to undercover the invisible process of meaning construction in metaphor;2/) while correlated with complicated cultural and historical background,double-scope integration networks,which typically exploit clashes,offer the possibility of rich clashes.Far from blocking the construction of the network,such clashes offer challenges to the imagination,resulting blends can be indeed highly creative.It is crucial in the process of metaphor interpretation;3/) the metaphor in Mao's poems reveals the great creative ideas of the poet and the extensive innovative capacity of the reader within the conceptual integration networks in interpreting poems.

关 键 词: 概念整合理论 整合 隐喻 意象 毛泽东诗词

分 类 号: [H05]

领  域: [语言文字]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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作者 彭晓春
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