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Dilemma and Blessing of Homosexual Characters in Angels in America

导  师: 卫景宜

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 托尼·库什纳被誉为美国当代戏剧界举足轻重的剧作家。他的作品《天使在美国—关于国家主题的同性恋幻想曲》/(Angels in America:A Gay Fantasia on NationalThemes/)面世不久很快被评论家和文学界收录为经典之作,并被誉为“拯救美国戏剧”的划时代作品。本论文研究作品中反映出来的同性恋者对爱、责任、生命的渴求以及面临的困境,运用性别研究的理论和比较的手法对作品人物进行细读分析。本论文分为三章。第一章分析了剧中人物对同性爱的追求,以及他们受到的种种限制和他们“出柜”的过程。第二章讨论了剧中同性恋者对责任的追求,在追求过程中来自传统家庭的限制。第三章讨论了剧中同性恋者对生命的渴求。通过分析指出剧作家库什纳是为数不多的作家能够一个“局内人”的角度,从对同性恋者的心理情感进行人性化的揭示。这种深刻的描述也否定了同性恋者与异性恋者这两种身份上的对立。同性恋在追求爱、责任、生命过程之中会经历来自传统道德、艾滋病、政治等各个方面的压力和威胁。《天使在美国》从人性关爱的高度重新审视同性恋群体。作品不仅给读者带来心灵上的震撼,同时也表达了同性恋者渴望得到社会的宽容和理解。 Tony Kushner is regarded as one of the essential playwrights of contemporary American theatrical world.Critics and pundits have placed Tony Kushner's masterpiece Angels in America:A Gay Fantasia on National Themes in the pre-eminent position of rescuing the American theatre.This thesis attempts to analyze the pursuit of homosexual love,responsibility and life of homosexual characters in the play from a gender studies perspective.The thesis falls into three chapters.Chapter one focuses on the pursuit of homosexual love and the restriction they faced in the process of 'coming out'.Chapter two mainly deals with the quest for responsibility through the restraint of the conventional family.Chapter Three is devoted to the discussion of homosexuals in quest for blessing. The thesis is written on the base of close and repeated reading of the text.Through the analysis of the play,it can be seen that Kushner is one of the few playwrights who depicts homosexual community from an insider's perspective.From an 'insider' perspective,his portrayal of homosexuality becomes more penetrating and humanistic.This kind of portrayal also negates the opposition between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Meanwhile,by presenting a world inside the homosexuality,it seems what Kushner wants to convey is that homosexuality bears more pressure from AIDS,conventional morality and conventional family restrictions.In a larger sense,Kushner's Angels in America provides the reader with a humanistic perspective to approach homosexual community.At the same time Angels is a genuine appeal for equal status and more tolerance to individuals with same sex orientation.

关 键 词: 天使在美国 同性恋 责任 生命

分 类 号: [I712]

领  域: [文学]


作者 孙利龙
作者 艾红玲
作者 熊金才
作者 谭红秀
作者 许承余


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学


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