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The Error Analysis of Korean Students' Acquisition of the Preposition Gei/(给/) and the Corresponding Teaching Strategies

导  师: 彭小川

学科专业: 050102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 韩语与汉语差异很大,韩语靠词尾格助词来表达语法关系,没有汉语介词的概念,介词成为韩国学生学习的难点,也是对韩汉语教学和研究的重点之一。目前相关的研究主要从整体角度对韩国学生学习介词的情况进行探讨,而深入分析韩国学生习得汉语具体介词的研究尚较欠缺。介词“给”是汉语中广泛使用的一个虚词,是学习汉语的韩国留学生使用时偏误率较高的介词之一。前人没有相关的专题研究,本文以此为论题进行了专门探讨。文章以中介语料库为依据,考察了不同等级汉语水平的韩国留学生介词“给”的偏误情况,归纳了主要的偏误类型,并从中发现了初中级和高级汉语水平的韩国留学生的偏误规律。然后从汉韩语言对比的角度和汉语本体的角度重点探究偏误原因,最后提出了解决韩国留学生介词“给”偏误问题的有效对策。 本文的创新之处主要有三点: 首次对韩国留学生使用汉语介词“给”的偏误情况进行个案专题探讨,具有国别化的针对性。发现韩国留学生介词“给”的偏误类型主要集中在:误用、误加、漏用、错序四大类型。而其中误用偏误率在习得的各阶段中均占首位,且具有明显的群组性特征。因此我们指出,介词“给”与相关介词的辨析应是对韩介词“给”教学的难点与重点。 首次从汉译角度,较为详细地对比分析了韩语格助词“/(?/)”与汉语介词的语义功能,指出“/(?/)”与多个汉语介词一对多的对译关系,并指出,这是导致韩国学生介词“给”误用偏误的主要原因。 首次对“对韩版”汉语教材介词“给”的编写情况进行调查分析,提出应加强在对韩版汉语教材介词“给”及相关语法项目编写的针对性的建议。 The target language Chinese is very different from Korean students' mother tongue Korean language,which expresses grammatical relations by suffix and auxiliary words instead of preposition,for the lacking of Chinese preposition concept.As a result,preposition is not only a big difficult point to Korean students while learning Chinese,but also should be teaching and research priority in the teaching process.The current relevant studies are mainly from the whole-angle to discuss Korean students' acquisition of the prepositions group,there is very few analysis of a certain sepcific preposition.For example,the preposition Gei/(给/),widely used in Chinese,is frequently misused by Korean students while learning Chinese,however,there is no sepcial research on it.So,This paper takes Korean students'acquisition of the preposition Gei/(给/) as the topic. On the basis of two inter-language corpuses,the paper collects a great deal of sentences with errors made by Korean students while using Gei/(给/),and analyzes the types of errors,By comparing the the target language Chinese and the mother tongue Korean,the paper also explores reasons for the erros,and proposes the corresponding teaching strategies as well.There are three innovations containing in the thesis: Firstly,it is the first time to focus on the Korean students'acquisition of the sepcific preposition Gei/(给/),which makes it nationality-targeted,summarizing four error types and some laws of error-made by Korean students in different Chinese levels. Secondly,it is the first time to compare the Korean auxiliary/(?/) with Chinese relevant prepositions in meanings and usages,revealing the main error reasons. Thirdly,it is the first time to investigate the layout of preposition Gei/(给/)'s grammar points in Korea-targeted Chinese teaching text books,coming up some effective teaching strategies.

关 键 词: 韩国留学生 汉语介词 偏误分析 教学对策

分 类 号: [H195]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 华相
作者 朱淑仪
作者 王艺文
作者 吕晓文
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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏