导 师: 周健
学科专业: 050102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 语块是语言的重要组成部分,对于语言的学习具有重要作用。随着对外汉语教学研究的深入,人们逐渐开始意识到语块在汉语学习中的重要价值,也在教学中不断探索并尝试语块教学法。但是对语块的研究和语块教学的研究工作始终停留在宏观讨论或者是仅仅停留在汉语口语语块的研究和教学上面,而对汉语书面语语块或某一语体语块的专门研究则相对较少,这就导致了目前国内对外汉语书面语的教学处于停滞不前的状态。本文在西方现有语块理论的基础上,对经贸汉语书面语语块进行了本体研究;深入教学实践,并结合大量真实的语料从语块的区分、特征、分类、在二语习得中的作用和留学生的语块偏误分析等方面对经贸汉语书面语语块做了全方位考察;运用教学行动研究的方法在教学实践中去发现问题、提出经贸汉语书面语语块的教学方案,分别针对教师怎样围绕语块进行教学、怎样对语块进行行之有效的操练等问题提出了教学建议。 Language chunk is an important part of language,playing an important role in the language study.With the Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research in-depth,People gradually started to realize the value of chunk,and constantly explore and try new teaching methods.However,current research of Chinese language chunk has always been discussed at the macro,or it is just stay in the research of oral Chinese idioms,instead,very little research on the written language chunk,which led to the backward of written Chinese language teaching and research.On the basis of western language chunk,this paper analyzes written language chunk of business Chinese.In teaching practice and combination of a large number of language materials,made a comprehensive study of written language chunk of business Chinese.Use of teaching methods of action research put forward the related teaching advises.
关 键 词: 经贸汉语 书面语体 书面语语块 二语习得 教学行动研究
分 类 号: [H195]
领 域: [语言文字]