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A Study on the Issue of Tibetan Separation in the Sino-Indian Relations

导  师: 吴金平

学科专业: 030207

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 建国以来,中印两国关系的发展并不顺利,经历了从五十年代的“友好”,到六七十年代的“对抗”,再到八十年代以来的“缓和发展”的曲折历程。缘何中印两国的和平友好之路竞如此的曲折?主要是影响两国关系发展的因素太多,如历史问题、边境争端、印巴问题、达赖问题、国际因素等等。而在众多问题中,核心的问题是“藏独”问题。本文拟对中印关系中“藏独”问题的成因、发展过程及其后果进行梳理,并希望以此为基础,能对中印关系的发展提出一些建设性意见。全文共分三章:第一章从历史出发,分析“藏独”问题的形成与印度的支持之间的关联。二战后印度企图继承英国的殖民遗产,支持“藏独”势力是“藏独”问题形成的重要因素。第二章分析“藏独”问题的坐大与印度的支持密不可分。印度一直以来支持“藏独”势力发动叛乱,为“藏独”势力提供政治庇护,是“藏独”问题坐大的重要因素。并进一步分析总结“藏独”问题已成为中印关系改善的主要障碍。第三章就如何抑制“藏独”问题,改善中印关系提出一些粗浅的思考与建议。 Since the founding of PRC,the relations between China and India have gone through an unfavorable process,including 'Friendliness' in the 1950s,'Hostility' in the 1960s and 1970s,and 'Reconciliation' since the 1980s.The reasons for this unfavorable process lie in the various factors affecting the relations between the two nations,like the historical problems,boundary disputes,India-Pakistan problems,Dalai issues, international factors,etc.Among all these issues,the key factor is the problem of Tibet Separation.This thesis intends to sort out the causes,developing process,and consequences of the Tibet Separation problem in the Sino-india relations,and hopes to put forward some constructive suggestions on the improvement of the Sino-india relations.There are three chapters in this thesis:Chapter 1 analyzes the formation of the Tibet Separation problem and its relevance to Indian support.Since World WarⅡ,India has been attempting to inherit the colonial heritages of the UK,and its support for Tibetan protesters is one important element in the forming of the problem of Tibet Separation.Chapter 2 analyzes the close connection between the growth of Tibet Separation problem and the support from India.One main factor that allows the problem to grow is the fact that India has been supporting the Tibetan protesters' seditions and providing political asylum for them.This chapter further analyzes and concludes that the Tibetan Separation Problem has become a main barrier to the improvement of Sino-India relations.Chapter 3 puts forward some minor thoughts and suggestions on how to inhibit the Tibet Separation problem and improve the Sino-India relations.

关 键 词: 中印关系 藏独问题 达赖集团

分 类 号: [D822.335.1 D677.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 钮则圳
作者 庄友明
作者 黄志军
作者 钟宋文
作者 陈东山


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学亚太研究院东南亚研究所
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚