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History and Inspiration of the USA Patent System

导  师: 严永和

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 作为世界上最先进和最大的发达资本主义国家的美国,同时也是现代知识产权制度下的最大的专利拥有国。不可否认,在美国建国的二百多年历史中,其由典型的殖民地经济成功地进化成最发达和最先进的资本主义经济,其独特的专利制度在其中起到了不可替代的重要作用。而且与美国的超级经济大国和技术大国的地位相适应,美国的专利制度对现代世界有着非常有力和现实的影响,包括我国在内的很多国家的专利法律和行政架构均在相当程度上对美国的专利制度和体系架构进行了相当程度的移植,也就是说,在现今世界的很多国家的专利制度里面,我们都可以看到美国专利制度的影子。 随着我国改革开放的逐步深入,我国同美国的经济往来尤其是技术往来越来越多,中美之间由于知识产权尤其是专利权问题引起的纠纷越来越多,对美国专利制度进行更加透彻的了解某种程度上已成为当务之急。同时,有感于在专利方面处处受制于以美国为首的发达国家的不利局面,如何根据先行成功者如美国专利制度的经验更好地改革我们自己的专利制度,最终实现后来居上的目的,亦是我们需要认真思考的问题。 本文通过对美国专利制度历史进行比较详细的梳理,以达成对美国专利制度的深度把握。当然,要真正了解美国专利制度,绝对不仅仅是了解美国专利制度的历史那么简单。以此为指导,本文在对美国专利制度的历史进行了综述之后,即转入其思想演变的论述,然后通过对此专利制度取得的成绩,特点和存在问题的讨论,引入美国专利制度的改革以及我国专利制度应该从哪些方面吸收美国专利制度的营养,从而最终实现本文的研究美国制度的最终目的,为完善我国自身的专利制度服务。因此,本文按照上述内容和顺序分成六章,分别讨论美国专利制度的不同方面。 通过以上论述,本文的意见是美国专利制度的成功的根本是其对待专利制度的典型美国哲学观——实用主义。专利制度只是实现我们一些具体目标的人为的工具,对之持什么样的态度归根结底是由其可能产生什么样的结果决定的。只要我们时候牢记三个有利于标准,持之以恒,我们自己的专利制度迟早也会获得自己的成功。 The USA,as the most advance and largest developed capitalist country all over the world, it is also the country with most patents under the modern intellectual property system.During more than two hundred years after the foundation of the USA,this country has developed from a typical colonial economy to a most advance and sophisticated capitalist economy,the special patent system of the USA was a crucial factor.As a system of a super power of the economy and technology,the US patent system has great and reality effect to the modern world.In many countries include China,many of their patent laws and administrative systems was transplanted from USA.,so one can see that the patent systems of them are much alike that of the USA. Following the steps of the Open and Reform policy of our country,the economical business especially the technical business between our country and USA has become bigger and bigger,also the disputes of the intellectual property problems especially the patent problems has become more and more.Thus in some distance,it's very urgent for us to understand more about the USA patent system.Also,as we are almost always attacked by the advance country especially the USA in the area of the patent rights,we should seriously concern hwo to reform the patent system of our country in the light of the experience of the sucessful pioneers such as the USA so that we can establish a better patent system than theirs'. We want to grasp the depth of the US patent system in this paper through the detailed description of the history of the US patent system.But it is not so simple to fully understand the US patent system that one need only to know the history of it.Under this guildline,after the description of the history of the US patent system,then we began to discuss the development of the thought about the patent system,then the achievement of the patent system,it's reform,and what are the nutritional we should absorb from the US patent system to improve our own patent system.So,there are six sections in this paper,discussing different aspects of this system. Through the above-mentioned discussion,we thought that the basic ground of the success of the US patent system is the typical philosophy of the USA,pragmatism.The patent system is only a manmade instrument to fulfill some specific aims of ours'.The attitude we should have to it was determined by the results it can get.Only we keep up with such standards,then we can get good achievements with our own patent system.

关 键 词: 美国专利制度 实用主义哲学 垄断

分 类 号: [G306]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 项锷
作者 董伟武
作者 苏琦
作者 王璐瑶
作者 周嘉丽


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学


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作者 康超
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