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The Study on the Relationship between Top Management Team Characteristics and International Companies' Performance

导  师: 王华

学科专业: 120201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 在经济全球化,尤其是制造业市场的全球一体化进程不断加深的背景下,中国制造业企业面临着来自全球范围内的竞争,驱使中国企业走向国际化。客观地说,经济全球化对中国这个超级的发展中国家来说,也已经不是一种自由的选择,而是一种严峻的现实。所以如何提升国际化企业的绩效是个很有意义的问题。同时,高管团队的决策将影响企业的兴衰,企业高管的执行会决定企业的命运。所以基于高管团队的多理论整合模型,本文从高管团队特征作为突破口来研究如何提高国际化企业经营绩效。 为了研究的需要,本文选取了在深沪两市上市的制造业国际化企业作为研究对象,考虑到滞后性的影响,观察期定为2004-2007年。并把变量划分为高管团队人口特征非异质性变量、高管人口特征异质性变量和代理理论变量三组。研究结果表明:在非异质性组别中,高管团队的年龄均值、产品背景、海外背景和薪酬均值与国际化企业绩效正相关,而在异质性组别,总体而言是负的相关关系,以职务背景最为典型。而其余的变量在不同的绩效指标下,结果不一致。文中基于我国特殊的文化背景和企业内部制度和现状对各结果进行了分析,并根据分析结果提出有关国际化企业高管团队构建和运作问题提出建议。 Along with the economic globalization especially the process of manufacturing market's global integration develops continuously,Chinese manufacturing companies are forced to adopt internationalization strategy,which make the companies entering the worldwide competition age..Actually speaking,internationalization is the grim reality,rather than a free choice for China,which is a super developing country.So how to improve international companies' performance is significant and meaningful.For another hand,considering the fact that both the decision-makings and executions of top management team will affect the survival of the company,this thesis use the characteristics of top management team as a innovative angle to explore the way to improve international companies' performance,based on the Carpenter, Geletkanycz,/& Sanders' Stylized Model of the Upper Echelons Perspective. To resolve the lag problem,this thesis use a sample of Chinese manufacturing listed companies during the 2004-2007 periods to explore the relationship between TMT/(top management team/) characteristics and international companies' performance.What's more,the variables are divided into three groups:non-heterogeneity demographic characteristics, heterogeneity demographic characteristics and agency theory characteristics.The result shows that average age,product background proportion,international background proportion and average pay of TMT are positively associated with international companies' performance,while top management team heterogeneity is negatively associated with international companies' performance in the whole,especially the function heterogeneity.And the relationships between remaining variables and international companies' performance are different depended on the index chosen to measure performance.And then the result is explained in detail,with considering the specific cultural background of China,as well as internal system and status quo of companies.At last,based on the result and explanation,give some suggestions on how to construct TMT and how to improve the operation of TMT.

关 键 词: 高管团队 国际化 高层梯队理论 绩效

分 类 号: [F272 F224]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 王昭
作者 徐涛
作者 朱彩荣
作者 段文
作者 符必勇


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟