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The Legal Construction of Country Consumer Credit

导  师: 周显志

学科专业: 030107

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 我国农村人口众多,市场空间广阔,消费潜力巨大。高度重视并采取综合措施加快发展农村消费市场,缩小城乡差距,对于我国实施内需拉动战略,维持经济稳定以有效应对经济危机的目标,具有全局和长期的重大意义。因此,充分发挥金融的促进作用,提高农村消费,发展农村消费信贷势在必行。综合分析我国农村消费信贷法制现状,其主要包括宏观和微观两个方面:宏观方面是指我国农村消费信贷法制体系的架构,微观方面则指我国农村消费信贷法制体系的组成部分,如个人征信体系、信贷担保制度、消费者信贷权益保护机制等等。我国农村消费信贷业务以农村消费市场为基础,具有与城市不尽相同的特征。正是受农村消费信贷的独特性影响,我国农村消费信贷法制体系存在着其独有的特点和不足。我国农村消费信贷起步较晚,而英美法日印等国家和地区早已成功开展和推广了农村消费信贷业务。对这些国家的消费信贷法制体系进行比较与借鉴,有利于探讨出我国农村消费信贷法制体系的建设方案。我国农村消费信贷法制建设应当从我国国情出发,以消费者保护、金融安全、有效监管和公平为原则,结合我国农村消费信贷法制现状的特点,加快完善个人征信、信贷担保、消费者信贷权益保护、农村社会保障、农村民间金融等相关法律制度。 The countryside has a population of more than 800,000,000 and a big potential market for consuming.It is of great significance to develop the consumer credit of the countryside.In this way,our country could be much more powerful and affluent.Therefore,it is necessary to fred the method to improve the level of the country consumption and the consumer credit. Analyzing the current condition of country consumer credit services of our country,there are two major parts:the macroscopical one and the microcosmic one.The macroscopical one presents the framework of the legal system of country consumer credit,while the microcosmic one contains specific components of the legal system,such as the consumer credit reporting system,the hypothecation system,the consumer protection system and so on.Because of the unique economic basic,the country consumer credit is different from the city consumer credit and it's not perfect.Compared with foreign legal systems about country consumer credit services—including which of the US,the Great Briton,France,Australia,India,Japan,and so on, there is a long way to go for the legal construction of our country consumer credit.In conclusion, it's of the essence to do things as follow:legislating consumer credit law,making progress in consumer credit reporting system,consummating the hypothecation system,developing consumer protection system in country consumer credit services,perfecting country social security system and adding the law of unofficial finance in the country.

关 键 词: 农村消费信贷 法制建设 比较研究 制度设计

分 类 号: [D922.282 F832.4]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理]


作者 杨盛兰
作者 李润青
作者 骆梅芬
作者 曹秀娟
作者 柯燕云


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚