导 师: 孙玉卿
学科专业: 050102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 本文以趋向动词“开”及其构成的动趋式“V+开”结构为对象进行系统研究,主要分为引言、主体和结论三大部分。 引言主要阐述本文选题的意义、国内外研究现状及本文拟解决的问题及解决问题采用的方法。 主体部分包括第二至第四章。 第二章采用描写与解释相结合的方法,对“V+开”的语义进行研究,将其归为趋向义、结果义和状态义,并探讨了不同语义类型的“V+开”结构中“V”的语义特征和类别。 第三章采用形式和意义相结合的方法对“V+开”所带句式进行详细分析,具体分为“无宾类”和“带宾类”两大类,主要对“V+开”带宾语的情况进行考察,深入详细探讨了“V”与“开”及宾语之间的结构和语义关系,以及不同语义类型的“V+开”对句式的选择机制。 第四章从历时角度考察了“开”的语法化,并试图探讨导致“开”语法化的动因和机制。在“开”的语法化历程中,我们发现表示“分离、分裂”的结果义先于表示“离开”的趋向义;并认为“开”的语法化是由句法位置的改变以及认知语言学的“隐喻”所引起的。 第五章为结论。总结了全文的主要观点,提出了论文写作中的不足以及有待进一步研究的课题。 This thesis researches systematically about the directional word '开' and its relevant structure 'V+开'. It mainly consists of three parts including the introduction,the body and the further conclusion and discussion. The introduction gives the statement about the meaning, the background, the problem and the methods adopt mainly of this research. The body is divided into three chapters:chapter two to chapter four. Chapter two using the method of the combination of description and explaination, it mainly analyzes the semantic meanings of 'V+开', which are directional meaning, consequent meaning and state meaning. The characteristics and classification of the verbs used in the structure of 'V+开' with different semantic meanings will be also discussed in this chapter. Chapter three using the method of the combination of form and meaning, it analyzes the pattern of sentence'V+开' in detail. There are two situations. One is no object'V+开' sentence, and the other is the object 'V+开' sentence. This part analyzes the syntactic and semantic relationship among 'V', '开' and the object, trying to find out the choice mechanism of sentence patterns according to different semantic categories of 'V+开' structure . Chapter four adopts the theory of grammaticalization to research the evolution of '开' diachronically, and tries to reveal the mechanism that lead to the grammaticalization of '开'. We find that the consequent meaning appears earlier than the directional meaning and hold that the motivation of this grammaticalization is the change of syntactic position and metaphor. Chapter five is conclusion. It summarizes the main points of the whole text, and simply puts forward both the inadequacy of this paper and some topics for further study.
分 类 号: [H146]
领 域: [语言文字]