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The Research of Put Life Education into College Moral Education's Practice

导  师: 李忠红;程京武

学科专业: 030205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 人最宝贵的是生命,关注学生的生命是教育的本真所在。近年来,大学生危害自己或他人生命的事件屡见不鲜,同时,大学生过度沉迷于物质追求而忽视生命价值的现象也为数不少。这些现象的存在迫切需要大学教育进一步贴近学生、了解学生的生命状态,对学生进行有关生命的引导。在大学教育中,离生命最近的即做人的工作的高校德育却缺少有关于生命教育的内容,而且在教育理念上过于强调德育对社会的工具性价值,忽视德育对生命的价值,这使得高校德育出现了一些现实的问题。 本文采用调查分析与综合论证相统一的方法全面梳理了生命教育观的内涵,并通过发放调查问卷的方式对大学生的生命观进行了调查,总结归纳了大学生的生命观存在的问题及其产生原因,论证了在高校育中引入生命教育的必要性和可行性,并在此基础上针对性的提出生命教育观在高校德育中实践的途径。 本文的主要立意在于将教育学的生命教育观引入到高校德育中,以解高校德育的现实问题,为高校德育的理论研究提供了一个新的方向。将生命教育观引入到高校德育中去可以使高校德育回到关怀生命的基础上来,为实现德育的更高层次的目标,发挥德育的强大功能打好基础。 Life is the most precious thing to human,pays attention to student's life is the responsibility of education.In recent years,the university student harmed himself or other people life event is common,simultaneously,the university student wallowed excessively in the material pursue and neglects the value of life also became a substantial number.These phenomenon's existence urgent need college education further draws close to the student,to understand that student's life condition,carries on the related life to the student the guidance.In college education,what is most close to the life is personhood's work.However,university moral education actually lacks the content about life education,it moreover overemphasizes the moral education in the education idea to society's utilizable value,and neglect moral education to the life value,this caused the university moral education to face some reality problem. This thesis used diagnosising units and synthesizing method to comb connotation of life education concept comprehensively,and has carried on the investigation through the provide questionnaire's way to university student's life view,the summary has induced university student's life view existence question and analysised their reasons,has proved that in the university nurtures introduces the life education is necessary and feasible. This article mainly aims in introduces the pedagogy life education philosophy in the university moral education,offer some solutions to university moral education's realistic problems,and provided a new direction as the university moral education's fundamental research.Introduces life education philosophy in the university moral education will enable the university moral education to return to the foundation of caring life,and builds the foundation for achieving higher level goal of the moral education,and display moral education's formidable function.

关 键 词: 生命 生命教育 高校德育

分 类 号: [G641]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 毛玲
作者 王翠平
作者 梁凯
作者 谭育
作者 张栋贤


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学教育学院
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 广东金融学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟