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The Feedback Investigation Research on Motivative Factors of Generation Y Employees

导  师: 李从东;朱锋

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 在人们还未充分认识与理解“80后”这一代人的时候,“80后”新型员工正在逐步成为员工队伍的主流,企业管理也已经遭遇到“80后”新型员工的人才激励问题。他们普遍具有的自信、独立、张扬、自我等特点的性格表现与企业用工管理产生了剧烈碰撞,员工结队跳槽,人员大量流失,对企业人力资源管理造成了很大的冲击。 面对“80后”新型员工的人才激励问题,如何迎接这一新的挑战成为了管理理论界和实践界共同关注的课题。本次研究以前人的研究成果为基础,运用管理学激励理论,通过文献调研、员工访谈和问卷测量等方法,对“80后”新型员工的激励因素进行了一次较为深入的探讨。 首先,通过文献查阅、员工访谈和问卷调查,整理、提炼出“80后”新型员工的激励因素,构建了激励因素理论模型;通过对问卷数据的统计分析,根据激励因素之间的相关性对各个独立的激励因素进行了结构化分类。 其次,通过调研数据,对“80后”新型员工的激励因素进行了排序,得到了他们最为需要的激励因素,并进一步探讨了“80后”新型员工对各项激励因素主观判断的需要程度和对各项激励因素实际感受的满意程度之间的差别。 第三,通过对问卷数据的统计分析,探讨了“80后”新型员工对各项激励因素主观判断的需要程度在性别、年龄、婚姻状况、成长环境、工作性质、工作年限等背景特征变量上的差异,并且就“80后”新型员工对各项激励因素实际感受的满意程度与其被激励程度进行了相关分析。 最后,根据这些研究成果修正了“80后”新型员工激励因素理论模型,并从薪酬福利、工作吸引力、职业规划、培训再学习等方面,对“80后”新型员工激励机制的建设提出了相应的措施和建议。 The Generation Y employees have been gradually becoming the mainstream of staff troop When people have not known about them,and enterprise management has been suffered the motivational problem of Gen Y employees.The Gen Y employees generally have features of self-confidence,independence,boastfulness,autonomy and so on,which is a great impact and challenge to the human resource management,leading to serious problem of employee turnover. The motivation problem of Gen Y employees has been initiated common concern in research and practice management.This thesis attempts to analyze the motivative fctors by means of literature review,interview and questionnaier. Firstly,it explores the characteristics of the need of motivation of these Gen Y employees, and frames Gen Y employees' motivational factors model.After a statistic study in the form of questionnaire,they are categorized according to the relativity of the independent motivative factors. Secondly,with the aid of the statistics acquired through investigation,it aims to find the motivative factors that have the great influence on the extent to which Gen Y employees are motivated. Thirdly,it discusses the variation of the motivative factors and the extent of stimulation due to some disturing variants:sex,age,marriage,growth environment,education status,work experience,job nature and single-child family.Also it explores the relationship between Gen Y employees' satisfaction ofmotivative factors and their excited state. Finally,based on the results of these studies,we reframe the model of motivative factors of Gen Y employees,and offers some measure and suggestions about the construction of a motivating mechanism for the Gen Y employees.

关 键 词: 新型员工 激励因素 需要程度 满意程度

分 类 号: [F272.92]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


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机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 东莞职业技术学院


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