导 师: 彭伟步
学科专业: 050302
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 政府网站是我国各级政府实现信息公开,为公众和各种社会组织提供服务的官方网站。政府网站的信息传播是政府形象传播的重要元素,对如何通过完善政府网站的建设从而实现政府形象的塑造和修正是我国政府近年来努力奋斗的目标。在网络时代,加强政府网站的议程设置,让政府的议程设置流向公众并形成全民参与、出谋献策的氛围是各级政府需认真考虑的事情;因为这关系到政府能否成功引导公众舆论并树立政府的权威形象。研究大量论述政府网站建设的论文后发现,大多数论文是从政府政务信息资源建设、信息安全和网站建设角度来论述,没有从政府议程设置功能角度分析政府网站。政府网站在传播政府信息、舆论引导中发挥的作用很少被提及。 本文将以议程设置理论切入,研究政府网站的议程设置现状。议程设置理论是美国学者麦克斯维尔·麦库姆斯与唐纳德·肖提出的,它是关于大众传播效果的一个研究理论。它对政府管理有一定的指导意义。本文将结合该理论对政府网站的议程设置进行研究,并分析政府网站在传播信息和舆论引导上现状。论文将分四大部分展开论述。第一部分为综合叙述,解释论文选题的初衷和写作的思路。第二部分梳理议程设置理论的内容,并结合网络传播的特点描述该理论的变化和新的表现形式。第三部分重点研究政府网站的议程设置现状,讨论其议程设置功能;分析政府网站的信息传播和舆论引导情况,并概述一些国家在建设电子政府方面的成功经验。第四部分对完善政府网站建设以提高政府信息传播质量提出一些建议。本文希望能融合电子政务、议程设置、舆论引导和政府传播等学科知识,为中国政府网站建设提出新思路。 Governmental website,as the official website representing governments through the authority lines,provides to the public information they need;and serves the public and organizations as well.Its information dissemination is the critical factor of government-image communication.And it has been the aim of the governments to establish and modify its image through improving its website construction.To improve governmental website's agenda-setting,to help the public accept government's topics and hence participate in the discussion of the topics should be considered by the government in such a website era.Because that can result in the government's guidance of the public opinion and establishment of the authoritative image.However,papers concerning governmental website construction focus on information construction and information safety,and neglect analysis of the agenda-setting function of the governmental website. The paper following will analyze the current situation of governmental websites' agenda-setting based on agenda-setting theory.The theory was set up by McCombs.M.E and Shaw.D.L,which focuses on the function of the mass communication;and the theory can direct governmental administration.Based on the theory,the paper will study the governmental website's agenda-setting in the reality of China,and study government's performance in public opinion dissemination.The first part will explain the topic selection and the blueprint of the paper.The second part will clarify the theory in order and illustrate its development in website era.The third part will highlight the current situation of the website's agenda-setting and have a related discussion.Analysis of governmental website's information dissemination and opinion-guidance will also be stated.The final part involves recommendations on how to improve governmental websites to reinforce governmental information dissemination.The paper is expected to offer a new way in constructing governmental website by integrating knowledge of e-government affairs, agenda-setting and government dissemination.
分 类 号: [G206 D630]