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导  师: 胡健;姚刚

学科专业: 081103

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北方工业大学

摘  要: 知识时代的来临促使当今社会的信息量以前所未有的速度增加,对决策者而言,他们面临的环境更加变化不定,因而更迫切需要高效的决策支持工具。由于现代体育系统的高度开放性,这一信息社会决策方式的变化也深刻地影响着体育领域的决策过程。在企业管理界高呼“只靠决策人员自身决策的时代已经过去”并努力寻求决策支持的今天,体育界也面临着同样的问题怎样找到适宜的决策支持工其。以便在浩瀚的体育信息中抓住问题的本质,做出合理、正确的决策,是从宏观决策者到各级教练员都在密切关注的问题。 90年代中期出现的数据挖掘技术,是研究如何从大量的数据中智能地、自动地提取出有价值的知识和信息,是当前非常活跃的研究领域。因此,本文提出将数据挖掘技术运用到击剑训练比赛辅助支持系统,此课题的设计具有重要的理论意义和深远的实用价值。 本课题的设计实现参考了国内外决策支持系统的最新发展和研究成果,根据击剑运动训练比赛决策的要求,进行了有益的探索与尝试。最后结合SQL Server 2000中的数据转换服务/(DTS/),阐述了SQL Server数据仓库的建立,在此基础上进行数据挖掘,并与在线分析处理/(OLAP/)技术相结合,给出了“击剑训练比赛辅助支持系统”项目的总体设计方案、功能介绍以及实现方法。 本文在软件的设计实现中,以面向对象技术为方法,以软件工程的思想为指导,对所研究的内容进行深入细致的设计、分析和实现。 The amount of information in today's society has an unprecedented increase because of the arrival of the information society.Decision-makers face a more uncertain environment.Because of the open nature of modern sports,the change in the way of information social decision has a profound impact on the decision-making process in the field of sports.Today,the Enterprise Management makers shout" relying on their own decisions have gone" and seek decision support,and the sports sector is also facing the same problem of how to find an appropriate decision support tools.Either macroeconomic policy makers or coaches are paying close attention to the problem in order to seize the nature and make rational and correct decisions of the problem in the vast sports information, Data Mining Techniques that emerged in the mid-1990s,it is research how to intelligently and automatically find the valuable knowledge and information.This is currently very active areas of research.Therefore,this paper will use data mining techniques to the fencing training competition auxiliary support system.This subject has an important theoretical significance and far-reaching value. The design and implement of my subject reference to the decision support system of thc latest developments both in the Domestic and the Foreign.According to the decision of fencing training,we try to conduct a useful exploration.Finally we combine SQL.Server 2000 Data Transformation Services/(DTS/) with our subject,and described the establishment of a SQL Server data warehouse which data mining was established on,and at last,we use online analytical processing/(OLAP/) technology.In a word.we have described the overall design,function and method introduced of the fencing training competition auxiliary support system. Based on the Design and Implementation of software,object-oriented technology to seek ways to software engineering as a guide,carry out in-depth studies on the contents of the design,analysis and implementation.

关 键 词: 决策支持系统 数据挖掘 在线分析处理

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 黄伟武
作者 刘鸥
作者 李沐阳
作者 杨玉凤
作者 李振华


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊