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Trademark Dilution and Legal Regulation

导  师: 宋显忠

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 商标是关系到企业生存和发展的重要知识产权,有着企业“黄金名片”之称,是企业走向国外市场的“金护照”。随着全球经济贸易的迅速发展,国内外市场竞争日益激烈,企业之间竞争形势日趋复杂,商业不正当竞争行为层出不穷,“商标淡化”这种特殊的商标侵权现象亦愈发凸显。实践表明,越是显著性较强的驰名商标越容易被淡化。实施淡化行为人即非权利人在不相同或不类似的商品上使用与驰名商标相同或类似的标识,借助驰名商标所承载的“丰富的企业文化内涵、良好信誉、卓越品质、独立的经济价值”,利用消费大众对驰名商标标识的产品或服务的认同和消费信赖心理,搭驰名商标之“便车”,推销自己的商品或服务,扩大自己的市场份额,获取不当利益。长此以往,淡化行为必然会削弱驰名商标与特定商品或服务之间的独特联系,侵害了驰名商标所体现的商誉及其显著性。因此,商标淡化行为既是一种商标浸权行为,又是一种不正当竞争行为。商标淡化行为一旦由“可能淡化”转变为“实际淡化”,无疑给商标权人带来不可逆转的损害,权利难以得到充分的救济;同时导致与淡化侵权者竞争的其他经营者,不能在同一起跑线上与淡化行为人公平竞争,损害了其他经营者的利益;并且严重危害了消费者的经济利益,最终妨碍市场经济健康、有序、公正、公平的发展。鉴于此,现阶段我们应立足本国国情,重新检视我国商标淡化立法,加强理论研究,选择适宜的商标淡化立法体例,完善相关立法,规制商标淡化侵权行为,维护驰名商标权人的利益。 Trademark dilution refers to the act of reducing and blurring identification and distinctiveness of famous trademarks as well as those with a certain popularity with the result of impairing or tarnishing the reputation of business. In nature,trademark dilution not only is the act of infringement on trademark rights, but also is a kind of unfair competition act, which violates the trademark holder's legitimate rights and interests, harasses the market competition order, therefore, we should take the effective measures to tackle it.The anti-dilution protection of the well-known trademarks is of great importance. It is conducive to the protection of well-known trademarks, the rights of consumers and the connection to the international world of China’s Trademark Law. Paper, based on this kind of consideration, analysizes the harmness of the trademark dilution and the significience of the trademark anti-dilution protection, discusses the legitimate and philosophy foundation of the anti-dilution of trademarks from a legitimate angle.Furthermore,this article makes clear the status quo and weak points of the anti-dilution protection of the well-known trademarks in our country,puts forward experimental discussion and analysis,and raises relevant proposals.The text is divided into three chapters: Chapter I : Introduction to Trademark Dilution . Including the discussion of the concept, characteristics , nature analysis, the scope and the legal research of the trademark dilution. Chapter II The patterns of trademark dilution in the field of commerce and its harms. It discusses the practice of trademark dilution in commercial activities from practical perspective and elucidates the harm act does. Chapter III The perfection of trademark anti- dilution in China. It discusses the status quo and existing problems of the legislation of trademark anti- dilution in China, and puts forward several suggestions for perfecting the legislation of trademarks in China.

关 键 词: 商标淡化 驰名商标 商标侵权 完善淡化立法

分 类 号: [D923.43]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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