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The Exploration on Urban Transportation Administrative Management System Reformation of Changchun

导  师: 张创新

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 深化行政管理体制改革是发展社会主义市场经济和发展社会主义民主政治的必然要求,也是政治体制改革的重要内容。改革开放以来,我国不断推进行政管理体制改革,加强政府自身建设,取得了明显成效,特别是党的十六大以后,按照贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会、加强党的执政能力建设的要求,进一步深化改革,推进了体制创新和管理创新不断加强,但是面对新形式新任务还存在一些不相适应的方面,仍然需要进一步深化改革不断完善。 随着科技发展,时代进步,交通在人们生活中的重要作用日益凸显,但现有交通行政管理体制严重影响制约了交通事业的进一步发展,交通行政管理体制亟需改革。本文通过对长春市交通行政管理体制现状进行系统分析,借鉴国内外改革先进经验,提出完善长春市交通行政管理体制的改革建议,为长春市构建权责一致、分工合理、决策科学、执行顺畅、监督有力的交通行政管理新体制提供参考。 As time goes by, the develop of technology, the traffic in people's lives takes increasingly prominent role. Changchun is City located northeast of the location of a regional transport hub with a population of 7,000,000, as the province's political, economic and cultural center, its traffic management is extremely important, but the existing traffic management system has been severely affected by constraints of Changchun City’s further development of transport, so it is in urgent need of reform. In this paper, learning from the advanced experience of reform at home and abroad, given a city traffic management system for systematic analysis of the status quo of Changchun, I will show the suggestions of the administration of an efficient transport system, the reform proposals for the construction of Changchun, with the same powers and responsibilities, reasonable division of labor, decision-making of science, and the implementation of smooth, strong supervision new traffic management system for reference. This article is divided into five parts: The first part is the analysis of the main contents of related concepts and research methods in this article. In this paper, the traffic should be to explore the 'big' traffic. Not only to railways, highways, waterways, air combined to form three-dimensional traffic network of land, sea and air; the entities into traffic and information traffic; but also to traffic-building, transportation and traffic management activities in collaboration with the transport needs of people with coordination with other needs. The major transport system as a study aimed at overcoming the current division between the various forms of transport, traffic and information traffic entities, transportation construction and traffic activities not in line with the traffic management, transportation needs and other needs were incompatible practice. It concerns the overall needs of people to transport the building to create a good human environment, and various forms of transport as far as possible in structural optimization, the coordination of the layout as much as possible to reduce the waste of transport resources and improve the overall effectiveness of the traffic. In this paper, I use the empirical analysis and comparative analysis methods. The second part of the main contents is to discuess the traffic status of the administrative system and the existence of a major problem of Changchun. At present, the implementation of traffic management of Changchun is the urban-rural dual structure, urban traffic management is managed by the construction sector, while outside the city traffic is managed by the traffic departments. By horizontal transport , it is managed by the division responsible of Construction, Economic Commission, Public Security Departments, multi-management, decentralization, and management competence unclear is a serious problem . The lack of an effective and co-ordination of development between different modes of transport between, lack of inter-departmental communication and co-ordination mechanism, uncoordinated development of urban and rural, passenger transport market artificially divided, limited allocation of resources for economic development unreasonable, the management of non-standard taxi industry stability outstanding issues etc to address traffic management of these problems exist, it is necessary to reform the existing management system, the progressive in Changchun introduction of co-ordinating the development of urban and rural areas, resources, integration of the organic integration of the 'big traffic' management system. The third part of the main purposes is the interpretation, the need for reform of the administrative system of traffic of Changchun. Traffic management reform is not only a manifestation of the basic characteristics of traffic but also to speed up the transformation of government functions and strengthen the functions of government's public service needs; is the need to improve the administrative efficiency of the Government; is to improve the public image of the needs of the Government; is to promote the development of integrated transport needs; is an objective requirement to improve the socialist market economic system, speeding up economic and social development in our city and the need to revitalize the old industrial base in Changchun. Analysis of the fourth part of the main draw at home and abroad advanced traffic management system experience. The United States, Britain, Germany and other developed countries in general the traffic management system with a transportation management services by one department, which decision-making and the implementation is separated; the central and local governments have a clear division of responsibilities; and traffic departments and police departments coordinate with each other; the City Government's traffic management has fully autonomy and so on. It turns to be statutory functions of management; traffic management integration; means of market-oriented regulation; planning, decision-making more scientific; of urban transport bus; technology and other advantages of the use of results. While the domestic sector, with the state reform of the system fully operational, the traffic of some large cities, the administrative management system by the pilot to the implementation of a comprehensive top-down across the country to carry out. I would introduce a new round of reform of the administrative system of the State Council, to contribute the Transport Ministry of Transport and the formation of the situation. Part V is proposed traffic measures reform to the administrative system in Changchun. Pointed out that in the management of permissions, as sub-provincial city of Changchun, if it is unable to integrate air, rail and other traffic management responsibilities, it is difficult to achieve full and complete 'big traffic' system model, but to break the current division of the binary system, thus the management of the implementation of a dollar urban road traffic management system is feasible. Pointed out the basic ideas, basic principles and the idea of the specific approach. With the light of national and provincial approach, I proposed the formation of Traffic and Transport Bureau, and relevant agencies to adjust the duties and the merger.

关 键 词: 长春 行政管理体制 交通 大交通 改革

分 类 号: [D631.5]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 徐辉
作者 黄婷婷
作者 汤晓龙
作者 陆路
作者 孙俊


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院
机构 汕头大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚