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Research on Housing Market of Guangzhou Based on Hedonic Pricing Model

导  师: 李郇

学科专业: 070502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: Hedonic价格模型在西方发达国家是分析住房市场的常用工具,具有较高的针对性和实时性,并且是衡量外部性的定量科学方法。在我国住宅商品化的转变背景下,从住房需求的角度研究住房市场的结构具有一定的可行性,而且准确的衡量政府提供的公共服务及其外部性的货币价值,对于制定科学的财政计划具有较大的意义。 本文通过运用Hedonic价格模型方法,以广州住房市场为研究对象,利用2005年到2007年三年的住房小区信息数据,建立广州住房市场的Hedonic价格解释模型,分别测量了容积率、占地面积、到CBD的距离、到商业中心的距离、地铁可达性、水景视野、公园可达性、普通小学、普通中学、重点小学、重点中学和大学12个特征变量对广州住宅价格的影响。 实证研究发现:广州的居住空间扩散仍然处于低级的单中心圈层扩散,住宅市场价格在空间上呈现出从CBD向外逐步递减的基本态势,但递减的幅度有所减缓;而且小区占地面积、到CBD的距离、地铁可达性和水景视野对广州住房价格具有显著且持续增长的影响。除此之外,公园由于可进入性的限制和小区规模的扩大,对价格的影响逐渐不显著,而中小学的质量和声望是其对住宅发挥正外部性的必要条件。本文检验了Hedonic价格模型在中国住房市场的可操作性,进一步扩展了其在我国的应用研究,并通过定量的实证结果为政府的土地开发管理和公共建设投资提供科学依据和建议。 Hedonic pricing model is a tool frequently used in the analysis of housing market in western developed countries, it has a high degree of pertinence and real-time, and is a scientific method to measure externality. In the transforming context of house commercialization, it is feasible to research on the housing market from the angle of housing demand, and with the launch of property tax in China, proper measure in the monetary value of externality from the public service is of great meaning to setting a scientific fiscal plan for the government. This paper establishes a hedonic pricing model of Guangzhou housing market utilizing the database of housing clusters from 2005 to 2007, and explores the impact of floor ratio, area, distance from CBD, distance from the shopping center, rail accessibility, water view, park accessibility, primary school, secondary school, prestigious primary school, prestigious secondary school and campus on the housing price. The main findings are: residential space expansion of Guangzhou is still in a preliminary stage of single-center annulus expansion, the housing price displays a pattern of gradient drop from CBD outward, yet the extent of the drop is getting milder. The area of housing clusters, distance from CBD, rail accessibility and water view are having a lasting and remarkable influence on the housing price. Moreover, the impact of park on housing price is getting less remarkable because of the limits to accessibility and the area increase of housing clusters in Guangzhou, and the quality and reputation of primary and secondary schools plays a key role in exerting a positive externality on nearby housing clusters. This paper examines the feasibility of hedonic pricing model in China housing market, further expands the application study of the model in China and provides scientific guidelines and suggestions to government on land development management and public investment with our quantitative empirical results.

关 键 词: 住房价格模型 偏好 公共服务

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘程渊
作者 杨方舟
作者 马君昭
作者 莫克翟
作者 辛鹏程


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟