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Moving Ships Detection and Tracking from Infrared Image in Inland Waterway

导  师: 黄席樾

学科专业: 081101

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 重庆大学

摘  要: 随着内河航运的增长,导致航运事故发生的风险也同样的增加。在雨、雪、雾、夜间等能见度不良气候条件下航行是造成船舶互撞和船撞桥事故的主要因素。船-船、船-桥避碰成功的关键是获取其他运动船舶和危险目标的准确信息。前视红外成像设备具有抗干扰能力强,气候环境适应性强,昼夜连续探测等优点。通过在各种内河行驶船舶上以及桥梁、闸口、限制区等重点区域安装价格便宜、技术成熟的非致冷红外焦平面阵列前视红外成像设备,实时采集红外视频图像,综合利用图像处理、目标检测、目标跟踪等技术,对采集的红外视频图像进行鲁棒的实时的分析处理、实现在内河复杂背景不良气候条件下,对其他内河运动船舶目标进行检测和跟踪,并利用得到的船舶目标检测和跟踪结果辅助船舶航行,提高监管人员和操船人员对航行环境的感知能力,辅助操船人员进行避撞决策,减少操船的失误,提高船、桥避碰成功率,保障人员的生命和财产的安全,减少或避免严重污染水域和自然环境事故的发生,确保航行运输安全。 在基于视频的监控系统中有三个关键步骤:检测感兴趣的运动目标、跟踪这些目标、通过分析目标轨迹来识别相应目标的行为。红外目标检测和跟踪技术,作为智能化信息处理的关键环节之一,一直是困扰和制约红外成像探测实用性能的瓶颈问题和技术难点而亟待解决;同时,要把红外技术应用于内河水上交通安全,首先必须解决的关键技术就是基于红外图像的内河运动船舶目标检测和跟踪;因此,基于红外图像的内河运动船舶目标检测和跟踪技术研究,不仅具有重要的实用价值,还有重要的学术研究价值。本论文围绕基于红外图像的内河运动船舶目标检测和跟踪技术展开研究。 首先,介绍前视红外成像系统的原理、组成及其优缺点、定性 The recent growth in inland waterway shipping traffic has resulted in a concomitant increase in the risk of shipping accidents, thus making collision avoidance a critical issue in inland waterway shipping traffic safety. The main reason resulted in ships collision is sailing under the restricted visibility conditions such as fog, mist, night and etc. The key of collision avoidance for the reference ship or the bridge, in which FLIR equipments is equipped, is to obtain accuracy navigation information about target ships which locate in front of the reference ship. The forward-looking infrared /(FLIR/) images have a lot of advantage, such as the capacity of resisting disturbance and the adaptability of weather is strong, the ability of passive detection is continuous day and night. The uncooled infrared focal plane arrays /(FGA/) FLIR camera, which have lower price and technical matured, is installed on the importance location such as in front of ship, bridge pier, strobe, the restricted area in the river. When infrared images are captured by real time, various technologies that include image processing, object detection, object tracking and etc are integrated and used to robust process and analyze these images in real time way. So, it can be achieved to detection and tracking other moving ships in inland waterway under poorly visible conditions. The detection and tracking other moving ships information are applied to assist sailing for ship. These information are used to improve the capability of apperception for ship’s driver and inspector, to assist ship’s driver decision for avoidance collision, to reduce driving mistake, to enhance the success ratio to avoid ship-ship or ship-bridge collision. Then, People casualty is safeguarded. The damage of ship, bridge and goods are avoided. Economical, social and environmental loss are reduced or avoided furthermore. Finally, the safety sailing is ensured. There are three critical steps in surveillance system analysis based on video frequency, i.e. interesting of

关 键 词: 内河 红外图像 目标检测 目标跟踪 复杂背景

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 裘璇


机构 社会工作系
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 广州大学


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