导 师: 陈武凡;冯前进
学科专业: 0831
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方医科大学
摘 要: 随着计算机和通讯技术的发展,远程医学开始逐步发展起来,形成一种结合现代医学、计算机技术和通讯技术的新型医疗和医学教育工作模式。这种工作模式突破了医疗资源的分布以及在时间和空间方面的诸多限制,同时对有效地培育积累新的医疗资源将产生积极的作用。远程会诊是远程医学中最重要的一部分。在现行的远程会诊系统中,有的需要专用线路和设备,成本十分昂贵;有的采用基于NetMeeting组件的系统,不管通过电子白板或应用程序共享的方式,都不能直接在医学图像上操作或在一个应用程序窗口中同步操作,达不到会诊双方在阅片室的同一台阅片灯上进行现场交互的效果;有的采用完全基于C//S模式,只有服务器端是会诊的提供方,客户端都只能是会诊的请求方。这些系统使用起来都有一定的局限性,难以得到广泛应用。 因此,如何利用现有的多媒体和通讯技术,研发一套能良好地运行在普通PC和现有互联网网络的远程会诊系统,成为本文研究的方向。 本文深入讨论和研究了IM/(Instant Messaging/)技术的工作原理和通讯方式,远程会诊系统的视音频信号的压缩和实时传输技术的基础上,采用Delphi 7以及SQLServer2000数据库进行了该软件的开发。 首先详细介绍了IM的工作原理与通讯方式,探讨其在远程会诊中的应用价值。接着介绍数据压缩算法MPEG-4以及MPEG-4算法的关键技术:视频对象提取技术:VOP视频编码技术;视频编码可分级性技术;运动估计与运动补偿技术。在对其模式分析的基础上,采用了VLBV/(Very Low Bit-rate Video,极低比特率视频/)进行编码,实现更好的传输效果。然后详细介绍了基于UDP协议的P2P通讯技术,了解其在多媒体传输中的优势。 在此基础上,设计了基于IM技术的网络结构和远程会诊流程,从会诊的请求、会诊的响应和实时会诊的建立� With the development of computer science and telecommunications technology, telemedicine is becoming a modern working mode for medical treatment and medical education. It's the combination of modern medicine technology, computer science and telecommunications technology. The limitation of time and space on the distribution of medical treatment resources was broken ever since. Telemedicine includes many medical subspecialties, of which teleconsultation is the most important part. The existing teleconsultation systems, some need special networks or devices, which causes systems to be expensive and limited; some based on NetMeeting, whatever by white board or application share, which can't directly operate on the medical image or can't synchronously operate in one application window; some based on C//S, which can't provide with P2P connection; hence the systems can not be used widely. Accordingly, How to achieve real-time audio /& video transfer through internet is the emphasis of this essay. Firstly, Instant Message /(IM/) Technology was introduced from several aspects, such as concept, working principle, communication models, etc. Secondly, four alternative key technologies were introduces for MPEG-4 data compress arithmetic: Extraction of video object, VOP, Scalability, Motion Estimation and Compensation. VLBV /(Very Low Bit-rate Video/) was selected to compress our data and then result is better. Thirdly, this essay will tell you in detail the real-time network transport protocols UDP based on P2P and it's advantages. Finally, this essay explains how to implement teleconsultation system from three steps: request, response and teleconsultation. The new system improves usability and decreases the cost of devices and communication. The effect is good.