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A Study of Hue, the Capital of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam under the Influence of Chinese and Western Cultures/(1802-1885/)

导  师: 郭声波

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 被世界教科文组织列为《世界文化遗产名录》的越南阮朝都城顺化,代表了越南古代最高的建筑技术。 自阮朝建立到越南沦为法国殖民地/(公元1802——1885年/),是越南历史发展的一个重要阶段,同时也是世界格局发生急剧变化的一个时期。阮朝都城顺化是在这一时期进行修建并不断完善和发展的,在此过程中受到了中西文化深刻的影响。在外在结构形态上,体现了中西文化的交流与融合,与此形成鲜明对比的是,在内部机能方面所体现更多的则是中西文化的矛盾与冲突。 作为阮氏割据政权的后裔,阮朝统治者在建立阮朝、统一越南的过程中,随着地位的变化/(由“叛逆”到“正统”/),对于中国文化尤其是儒家思想经历了由背离抛弃到重新推崇的转变,而对于西方文化尤其是西方思想则是由宽容利用到排斥打击的转变。阮朝统治者对待中西文化两种截然不同的态度变化,是其在这一关键时期对越南发展道路的选择,也决定了越南的前途。 在面临中西文化交流的大好时机,越南阮朝统治者却还在为刚刚得到的“正统”地位欣喜不已,还在为全面恢复儒家思想统治,自封为“南方中华”自我陶醉,殊不知这种死守传统、固步自封的意识形态和价值观念体系早已落后于时代。在走向现代化的关键时刻,实行了闭关锁国的政策。虽然注意学习西方现代化的科学技术,但对于西方思想采取了盲目排斥的态度,没有学习西方先进的制度,更没有进行现代化改革,这一切使得越南只能成为时代的落后者,也决定了其沦为西方殖民地的命运。 As the first UNESCO World Heritage registration site in Vietnam, the Complex of Hue Monuments is the representation of the highest architectural art in ancient history. It's an important period from the Nguyen Dynasty established to become a colony of France in Vietnamese history /(1802-1885/).It's also a period of the world situation rapid changing. Hue had been built and developed as the capital of the Nguyen Dynasty under the influence of Chinese and Western cultures in this period. These two cultures communicated and syncretized in the structure and shape of the capital. Contrarily, it's the conflict and impact in the function of the capital. With the position conversion in Vietnam/(from treason to legitimacy/), as the descendant of the Nguyen family, the ruler of Nguyen Dynasty changed their attitudes to Chinese and Western cultures in the process of establishing Nguyen and unifying Vietnam. They adored all Chinese cultures especially Confucianism, and fight off Western culture especially any Western thoughts. The road chosed by the ruler of Nguyen Dynasty destined the future of Vietnam. Facing the opporunity of the communication of Chinese and Western cultures, the ruler of Nguyen Dynasty was still satisfied with legitimacy, still ruled the country by Confucianism. They didn't know this stuffy ideology and concept had been dropt behind. They carried out the Closed door Policy in the most important phase to modernization. They learned the Western technology, but fight off Western thoughts. They didn't learn Western advanced polity system,and didn't reform. This destined Vietnam to be a laggard, and become a colony of France.

关 键 词: 中西文化 影响 越南 阮朝都城 顺化

分 类 号: [K333]

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 王继东
作者 阮文清
作者 施爱国
作者 谢辉
作者 甘伟忠


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 华南师范大学人文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院
机构 电子科技大学中山学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平