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A Comparative and Choice Analysis of Typical Model of Community-Involved Rural Tourism

导  师: 方世敏

学科专业: 120203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湘潭大学

摘  要: 20世纪90年代中期以来,我国乡村旅游开始蓬勃发展。然而,乡村旅游在发展、探索的过程中也会遇到许多问题,如乡村旅游经营方面的“飞地化”现象日益突出,旅游收益的大部分往往被外来投资者拿走,形成“抽血机制”。本文在文献分析和实证研究的基础上,对乡村旅游社区参与典型模式进行比较研究,找出其中存在的问题并提出改进策略,以期进一步引导和吸引农民参与乡村旅游接待服务,实现社区参与的深层次转变,并使社区/(农户/)成为市场经营主体,促进农业产业结构调整,带动乡村生产生活条件的改善和提高,促进社会主义新农村的建设。 本研究由六部分组成。第一章绪论阐述了论文选题背景、依据和意义,研究内容和方法,以及创新之处。第二章梳理了论文研究所涉及的基本概念和相关理论。第三章对当前的研究成果进行了回顾和评述,并从开发经营主体和利益相关者的角度考察目前国内乡村旅游社区参与模式的类型,认为“公司+农户”模式和股份制模式是诸种类型中两种典型模式。 第四章是对乡村旅游社区参与模式效果和水平进行量化评价,也是本研究的重点和难点。根据实践经验和文献综述研究,考虑到实际数据支持的可行性,从反映乡村旅游经济、环境、社会效益的相关指标构建预选指标集,制成咨询问卷,采用德尔菲法/(Delphi Method/)征求熟悉该研究领域的专家的意见,对指标进行重要性程度判断,综合专家意见集中度和协调度,反复3次,最后再根据可行性原则确定入选指标,构建乡村旅游社区参与模式评价指标体系。 第五章和第六章是本研究的核心部分。第五章依据第四章建立的比较研究体系,对两个乡村旅游地进行实证研究,在此基础上对乡村旅游社区参与两种典型模式的优劣性和适宜性进行评价。第六章是乡村旅游社区参 The rural tourism began developing vigorously in China since the middle of 1990s. This thesis tries to answer the problems offered in the development of Chinese rural tourism through the study on driving mechanism and exploiting model of rural tourism. The purpose of the research is to provide theoretical instruction for healthful development of rural tourism. It hopes to provide exploiting models that can be utilized in the exploitation of rural tourism too. The thesis consists of seven chapters. In Chapter One, the Introduction states the background, the basis, significance and the content for the research of the thesis, and the methods /& means used in the research. In Chapter Two, some theories in the research of the thesis are surveyed and appraised, the rural tourism and pertinent conception are discriminated theoretically. The former research literatures about this item are reviewed. After that, the exploiting types of rural tourism so far in China are investigated and studied at the angle of stockholders, and 7 kinds of exploiting models of rural tourism are summarized based on that. The Chapter Four is one of the keystones about this thesis.The difficulty of the research is to measure the outcome and level of sustainable development of rural tourism. The process is: constructing pre-election volume according to practical experience and documents and relative indices reflecting the sustainable development in economy, environment and society of rural tourism; executing consulting questionnaires;adopting Delphi Method to seek the views from the expertsin this field:estimating the importance of the indices; and then deciding the elected indices by balance filtration and gathering analysis for 3 times on the grounds of feasibility. The author establishes the appraisal indicator system tomeasure rural tourism sustainable development and positively studies the level and outcomesof rural tourism development in Liu-yang and Cheng-du in 2007, according to the model for appraisal. The Chapter Fi

关 键 词: 乡村旅游 社区参与 模式 比较

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 肖玲
作者 陈韵
作者 马涛
作者 黄晓星
作者 李细香


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟