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Research on Theories of Law's Validity of Analytical Jurisprudence

导  师: 胡平仁

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湘潭大学

摘  要: 古典分析法学的代表人物奥斯丁,以英国的经验主义哲学为理论基础,严格区分了“实际存在的法”和“应当存在的法”。他认为法效力实质上就是强制力;法的效力来源于具有至高无上权威的主权者。该种效力观有利于保证法的独立性与法律秩序的稳定性,却容易导致法律专制的出现,也无法解释法律效力的连续性问题。纯粹法学的代表人物凯尔森受新康德主义用逻辑的方法建构理论体系等思想的影响,他在坚持“是”与“应当”区分的基础上,明确了法律效力与法律实效的区别与联系。他以预设的“基础规范”为基础构建了效力等级分明的法律体系,“基础规范”代替了主权者成为法律效力的来源,能够有效地解决法律效力的连续性难题以及法律效力即强制力对法所带来的负面影响。然而,作为法律效力来源的“基础规范”因其自身的预设性,一方面无法解决自身的有效性问题,另一方面也无法为法律实践提供一种超越超验逻辑进路的现实性指引。此外,“基础规范”仅仅解决了整个实在法为什么有效的问题,它并没有为鉴别具体的法律规范是否有效提供标准。 20世纪上半叶的两次世界大战带来的严重后果,促使西方社会在一个新的起点上恢复了传统的价值判断理论。哈特作为新分析法学的代表人物,他将日常语言哲学引入法学研究,以“内在观点”为基础批判了奥斯丁以及现实主义法学的法律效力观,维护了法律的确定性;他将可以包涵道德价值内容的“承认规则”作为法律效力的来源,并以事实作为承认规则的效力归宿,在一定程度上修正了凯尔森那种虽体系严密却不能给予法律实践以现实指导意义的效力理论。但作为鉴别法律效力标准的承认规则本身可以包涵道德价值因素,使其本身的存在受到质疑。 制度法学将法律效力看作是一种制� Austin, who represents the classical analytical jurisprudence, made a distinction between“law it is”and“law as it ought to be”on the basis of English empiricism. He thought validity of law was the power of enforcement in essence; the validity of law rooted in the sovereign who possessed paramount authority. Austin’s view on validity of law makes for independence of law and stability of legal order, however, it easily gives birth to tyrannical and can’t explain why validity of law can continuous after one sovereign gone. Kelsen, who is the representati of Pure Theory of Law, was influenced by Neo-Kantian thought, which stressed constructing theoretical system in logistic way. So he insisted to distinguish“be”and“ought to be”,explained clearly the division and relation between“validity of law”and“efficacy of law”. Kelsen constructed one legal system on the base of“basic norm”, which has rigid hierarchical structure in respect of validity. As the source of validity of law ,“Basic norm”helps to explain why the validity of law can continuous and eliminate the bad influence to law which caused by“validity of law was the power of enforcement”. Because of hypothesis, however, basic norm on the one hand can’t resolve itself legitimacy, on the other hand can’t provide realistic guide for legal practice, which is different from the logistic way. Moreover,“basic norm”merely resolves why legal system is legitimate, but it can’t provide the standard which can distinguish whether specific norm is legitimate. Disaster caused by the two world wars in the 20 century, prompted west society restoring classical value theory in a new departure. Representing the Neo–Analytical Jurisprudence, Hart pulled the ordinary-language philosophy in the legal research. He criticized the views of legal validity of Austin and realism jurisprudence and maintained the stability of law on the base of“internal point of view”. Hart made the rules of recognition as the source of legal validity.

关 键 词: 分析实证主义法学 法律效力 道德

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 冯立坡
作者 黄镇
作者 左祥宾
作者 吴晓苹
作者 孟昊


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚