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非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis)眼的形态发生以及RT97抗体在眼发育过程中的免疫组化研究
Eye Morphogenesis and Developmental IHC Study for Antibody RT97 in Xenopus Laevis

导  师: 高岚

学科专业: 071002

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 兰州大学

摘  要: 本文以非洲爪蟾/(Xenopus laevis/)视网膜、晶状体和角膜的发育为主,详细观察和描述了其发育过程中眼的形态变化,并分别对各发育时期视网膜的厚度进行了定量分析。结果表明,非洲爪蟾眼的发生开始于眼原基的形成,进而形成视泡,视泡由间脑两侧壁向外突起,视泡腔与脑腔相连形成一个较大的空腔;晶状体的发生是在视杯外壁增厚的同时诱导覆盖其上的胚胎外胚层内层增厚,形成预定晶状体板,随着视杯外壁的内陷预定晶状体板继续增厚成不规则圆形,随后与外胚层脱离并内陷;在视网膜和晶状体诱导作用下,预定角膜上皮开始分泌细胞外基质,形成初级角膜基质,随后间质细胞侵入初级角膜基质中,形成次级角膜基质和角膜内皮,最后变为透明的角膜。在早期,色素视网膜厚度变化差异显著,由63.8±1.9μm减小到10.9±1.0μm/(P<0.05/),而神经视网膜厚度变化不大,无显著差异。视网膜这两层结构在发育早期分化的有序进行可能与早期胚胎头部内空间以及附近的间充质细胞有关。发育后期视网膜总厚度呈递增趋势,由46.3±2.3μm增加到71.8±2.5μm。免疫组织化学的染色结果显示:RT97免疫反应在非洲爪蟾视网膜发育的整个过程中都有表达,说明神经丝蛋白在脊椎动物中具有同源性,并提示我们RT97抗体可以作为非洲爪蟾视网膜发育过程中的一种标记蛋白加以研究利用。 Eye morphogenesis in the Xenopus laevis was observed and described in detail. Our attention was paid mainly to retina,lens and cornea development.Meanwhile,we made quantitative analysis of thickness of the pigment epithelium layer and the neural retina in the early developmental periods and total thickness of the retina in the rest developmental periods of Xenopus laevis.And the expression pattern of antibody RT97 in the eye of Xenopus laevis during embryonic development was studied with immunohistochemical method.The results indicated that eye morphogenesis in the Xenopus laevis begins with the formation of optic primordial and soon comes into optic vesicle,which starts with parietal apophysis of diencephalon,and ventriculus opticus extends encephalocoele to form a larger cavum.Lens morphogenesis induces the building up of inner ectoderm of the embryo to form prospective lens placode, during which exine of optic cup thickens.Prospective lens placode continues to thicken to atactic circle with invagination of exine of optic cup,then deviates with ectoderm and invaginates.Prospective corneal epithelium secretes extracellular matrix to internal surface and generates primary corneal stroma,which is induced by retina and//or lens.Then interstitial cells invade in primary corneal stroma and lead to the formation of secondary corneal stroma and corneal endothelium,finally come into transparent corneal,in the early developmental periods,the thickness of the pigment epithelium layer reduced evidently from 63.8±1.9μm to 10.9±1.0μm while the thickness of neural retina increased indistinctively.The orderly differentiation of the two layer of retina is probably related to the space in embryo and the mesenchyme nearby.In the late period the total thickness of retina is increased gradually,from 46.3±2.3μm to 71.8±2.5μm.The results of the immunohistochemistry show that RT97 immunoreactivities express during the embryonic development.This suggests that neurofilament proteins in vertebrates is homologous and antibody RT97

关 键 词: 非洲爪蟾 形态发生 视网膜 免疫组化

领  域: [生物学]


作者 宋利军


机构 华南农业大学


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