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Anatomical Changes and Immunogold Localization of IAA in Cells of Hickory's Graft Union

导  师: 黄坚钦;洪健

学科专业: 090702

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江林学院

摘  要: 山核桃/(Carya carthayensis/)是我国特有的优质干果和木本油料树种,具有很高的经济价值,但在自然条件下童期长,始果期迟,良种化程度不高,而嫁接能有效缩短童期、提早结实,改良品种,扩大适种范围,然长期以来本砧嫁接技术难度大,成活较困难。本文利用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜,结合免疫胶体金标记技术,研究了山核桃本砧嫁接愈合过程中砧穗接合部的解剖结构以及IAA在细胞中的分布。旨在丰富和完善山核桃本砧嫁接技术及其理论依据,揭示山核桃嫁接过程中内源IAA在细胞中的分布及变化,探讨IAA在山核桃嫁接愈合过程中发挥作用的机制,为IAA调控山核桃嫁接愈合过程的深入研究奠定基础。主要研究结论如下: 1、山核桃本砧嫁接愈合过程大致分为4个阶段:隔离层的形成、增厚及砧穗初始粘连/(1-6 d/);愈伤组织的生长与隔离层的解体、消失/(7-12 d/);砧穗间维管束桥的形成与贯通/(14-23 d/),维管组织的分化与连接/(24-40 d/)。嫁接后愈合组织区域最先发生的变化是隔离层的消长。砧、穗形成层区域最先形成隔离层,嫁接后第1-3 d形成隔离层,第3-6 d逐渐加厚;此后隔离层两侧愈伤组织细胞进行活跃分裂活动,隔离层细胞内物质逐渐被吸收,愈伤组织细胞分裂后突破隔离层,至嫁接后第12 d隔离层完全解体消失,已有筛分子分化;至嫁接后第14 d开始,随着管状分子的分化,维管束桥逐渐分化并贯通,40 d左右愈合过程基本结束,砧穗连为一体,信息传递和物质交换顺利进行。隔离层开始形成到完全消失的过程中,隔离层两侧愈伤组织细胞进行旺盛的生理代谢活动,切口外侧细胞的胞间连丝迅速关闭,而内侧细胞的胞间连丝物质交换活跃;近隔离层的细胞之间部分细胞壁降解,细胞间的原生质体穿壁融合;高尔基体、线粒体、内质网等细胞器数量显著增加,多泡体、壁旁体等� Hickory /(Carya carthayensis Sarg./) is China's unique high-quality dry fruit tree and woody oil plant. It has high economic value, but the juvenile stage is long, and seeds late in natural conditions. Grafting can effectively shorten the period of juvenile, bring forward seeding, expand the scope of adaptability, but homoplastic grafting technology is difficult, and the survival rate is low. In order to improve the hickory grafting technology, enrich the grafting theory, reveale IAA distribution and changes in the cells in the course of hickory grafting, confirm the function mechanism of IAA in the healing process of hickory grafting, we used light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-gold localization technique to study the anatomical changes of graft union in hickory’s shoot homoplastic plants and subcellular localization of IAA in graft union. The main results are as follows: 1. The results of anatomical changes of graft union in hickory’s shoot homoplastic plants showed: The union processes included the formation and thickeness of isolation layer/(1-6 d/); the growth of calli and the disaggregation and disppearence of the isolating layer/(7-12 d/); the formation and linkage of the vascular bridge/(14-23 d/); the differentiation and connection of vascular tissues/(24-40 d/). The primary change was the formation of the isolating layer. It was firstly formed in the cambium zone on the first three days after grafting,thickened in the next three days and disaggregated after the contents absorbed by the callus cells, at last disappeared on the 12th day, and sieve elements were differentiated at that time. With the formation of the vessel elements 14 d after grafting, vascular bridge began to set up and link up. At last the vascular tissues differentiated and contacted with each other, the whole process of reuion was over. The stock and scion became a whole body and transportation between them was carried out in a normal way. A series of wound responses in callus cells were induced duri

关 键 词: 山核桃 嫁接 愈合过程 解剖结构 吲哚乙酸 免疫金定位

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 李建军
作者 万翠琳
作者 李毅彩
作者 陈建湘


机构 广州体育学院
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林