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The Research of PIPP Pattern in Public Housing Security System

导  师: 施建刚

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 同济大学

摘  要: 解决中低收入者的住房需求一直是政府关注的焦点问题,特别对于像我国等发展中国家来说,显得尤为重要和紧迫。就公共住房体系来说,各国不仅仅将其视为社会保障体系的组成部分,更将其视为影响国家宏观经济和社会和谐发展与否的重要因素,可以说,中低收入者的住房问题得不到解决,宏观经济就不能稳定协调运行,社会就不能和谐发展。其次,从西方发达国家的实践经验来看,多数都积极采用了多方合作模式的公共住房政策,香港特别行政区在特定时期实施的私人参建居屋计划大大改善了港人中低收入者的住房需求。再次,就我国国情看,需求大于供给已导致了多方面的矛盾,而单靠政府的财政支撑是不现实的,从新公共管理学的角度看,也不利于政府绩效的提高,需要将私人部门的示范效应引入公共部门,通过私人部门的高效率带动公共部门的绩效水平,同时社会三元结构的出现巩固了中间组织扮演政府和私人部门桥梁连接的角色,这大大有利于公私合作机制的更加稳定和持续的发展。 本文将公共住房放在宏观经济框架内,在公私合作/(Public-PrivatePartnerships,简称PPP/)融资模式基础上提出以中间组织为枢纽的公私合伙制/(Public-intermediary-Private Partnerships,简称PIPP/),并探讨该模式在我国公共住房保障体系中的运用,提出具体的操作模式、对应于该模式的控制系统和政策性建议。 本文首先详细介绍了PPP融资模式,介绍该模式的组织构架和在各国的发展情况,在此基础上提出纳入中间组织协调机制的PIPP模式,挖掘PIPP模式的内在需求机制,然后列举了美国、法国等西方发达国家与我国香港特别行政区基于该模式的公共住房保障体系的实践,并与我国的发展现状进行横向政策对比,提出了适合我国国情的公共住房PIPP模式和具体操作形式、控制系统以及政策性建议。 Satisfying the housing demand of the middle- and low-income groups has become the focus of government which must be paid more attention to all the time. It seems particularly important and urgent especial to those developing countries such as China etc. As to public housing, various countries not merely regard it as the component of the social security system, but regard it as important factor which influences the national macroscopic economy. If the middle- and low-income group's housing problem is not solved, the macro-economy can't develop steadily. Secondly, according to practical experience of various countries, they have adopted the public housing policy of cooperation pattern actively. The Private Sector Participation Scheme of Hong Kong in the specific time greatly improves the housing situation of low-income people.Moreover, in our country, demand is much bigger than supplies and the middle- and low-income groups' housing need is quite large. It is impossible to depend on newly-built housing with the government's finance only. From the public management angle, it also does not favor the achievements enhancement of government. We need introduce the demonstration effect of private department to public department. Through private department's high efficiency, public department's achievements level can be largely improved. Simultaneously the appearances of three-structured social consolidate the role of middle organization which plays the connection bridge between government and the private department. All these are greatly advantageous to the stable and continued development of cooperation mechanism. This paper puts the public housing under the macroeconomic frame, and carries on the discussion of PPP mode, putting forward the Public-intermediary-Private Partnerships pattern. Later analysis implement and concrete in housing security system, the concrete operation pattern and the policy suggestion as well. It firstly introduces PPP financing pattern in detail, and its development in different countries. Secondly set up the PIPP model based on the Advantages and disadvantages analysis of PPP model, excavating its intrinsic demand mechanism. Thirdly give the practice and the current situation of PIPP pattern in housing security system in U.S.A, France and Hong Kong. With the contrast to the countries above, we put forward the concrete form, the control system of PIPP pattern in our housing security system and propose the policy suggestion.

关 键 词: 住房保障体系 政策比较 模式探索

分 类 号: [F293.3]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 魏建漳
作者 李超锋
作者 莫文彬
作者 田曦
作者 温文忠


机构 华南农业大学
机构 深圳大学中国经济特区研究中心
机构 中山大学
机构 深圳大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟