导 师: 邵晓峰
学科专业: 120202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 上海交通大学
摘 要: 随着经济全球化进程的加快和市场竞争程度的加剧,世界经济联系已越来越紧密,同时企业面临的经营环境也变得更加复杂。为了最大限度地减少全球化和激烈竞争带来的物料供给和产品需求的不确定性,并在全球市场上获得竞争优势,企业不得不应对市场不断进行创新改进,保证全球供应链管理之成本、质量、交期、服务,成为了跨国公司竞争的核心。“单打独斗”式的企业与企业之间的竞争已开始被供应链与供应链之间的竞争模式所取代。尤其随着对供应链管理了解的增多,采购管理也具有增值功能这一理念已被越来越多的企业管理者所接受。采购作为供应链不可缺少的重要部分,贯穿于整个供应链。而对采购活动的有效管理不仅可为企业实现成本的降低从而增强市场竞争力,而且在实现对供应链中各活动的同步化、集成化管理上起着杠杆作用,为企业创造新的竞争力,从而保证企业在快速多变的市场中处于领先地位。 在此背景下,我们选取采购管理这一议题,以全球知名EMS企业JBL公司为研究样本,根据企业在生产制造过程中的实际清况,以采购管理及供应链的相关理论为指导,运用SWOT分析方法系统分析了企业发展的内外环境,明确了JBL公司目前的竞争优劣势;通过对JBL公司供应链和成本结构的分析,明确了采购在JBL公司的地位,对JBL公司竞争力和以JBL公司为核心的供应链竞争力的推动作用:针对JBL公司采购管理现状和问题,本文提出两种策略加强采购来管理和提高JBL公司竞争力。一是加强供应商的管理与合作策略:二是采购流程优化策略。本文对这两个策略中采用的分析方法、实施步骤和应用情况都做了比较详细的阐述,并提出了一些具体实践经验。本文希望这些方法和经验能对其他类似企业根据自身情况在如何建立、开展复杂供应链采购管理,增 Worldwide economy is integrated intensively along with the more and more flourishing globalization and growing market competition, at the same time, the business environment which enterprises are facing is becoming more and more complex. In order to utmost minimize the uncertainty in material supply and products demand, and obtain the competitive advantages in global market, the enterprises have to make efforts in improving themselves to ensure global supply chain management including cost, quality, delivery and service to be the core of the competition among multinationals. The competition between individual enterprises has gradually been replaced by supply chains competition. Especially with more and more knowledge to SCM, the idea of the purchasing management having the value added function is accepted by most of enterprise supervisors. Purchasing as an indispensable part of supply chain infiltrates into its all processes. Efficient purchasing management not only helps enterprises reduce their cost and improve the competition , but also create new competitive strength by realizing in integration and harmonization of all activities in supply chain, then keeping enterprises advantage further in rapid and changeful markets. In such a background, we select the paper subject of procurement management to study the famous electronics manufacturing supplier JBL as the sample, as per the current operation of the manufacturing process, in direction of the purchasing management and supply chain theories, to analyze its inner-outer circumstance by SWOT method to clearly verify its competitive position, the structure of supply chain and operating cost of JBL, it defines the key position of purchasing management and impels the competition of supply chain which is centralized by JBL itself. In aiming at the problems of JBL purchasing management, the paper put forward two tactics to enhance the company's competitive position. One is strengthening management and cooperation with suppliers and another is optimizing purchas