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Planning and Design of Artificial Lake District in Urban Sprawl

导  师: 刘滨谊

学科专业: 081303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 同济大学

摘  要: 中国正处于快速城市化扩张的关键阶段,稳步、健康、高效地发展将成为城市崛起的奠基石。但发展同时,不免出现冲突问题。“人工湖区”就是近年来被广泛关注并争议的对象。圈水带来社会财富、经济效益、城市发展,也带来了无视生态条件及法律、急功近利、损害人民利益等负效应。辨析此类人工湖区特性并编制规划设计,促进区域健康发展及城市睿智扩张是本文研究重点。 21世纪初,土地批租曾掀起三次规模性“圈地”,财富效应显著、各地争相效仿。加之由于舆论生态导向、市民亲水天性、政绩偏爱盛行、投资精明眼光等因素,象征稀缺资源的人工湖区逐渐在城市新年轮上萌芽。本文从总结人工湖区建设模式、规划理论、实践案例着手,通古今之变。再剖析此类人工湖区建设发展的内驱与外推缘由、效益契机与负面效应。并提出在水资源抢夺战中,须尊重自然基础条件、因地制宜,并且须以最终使用者为建设造福对象的论点。 人工湖区规划已远远超越景观范畴,深受城市时空动态发展的影响。湖区逐渐形成了园区化、生态增长极、多目标、时空分序、高科技此五大建设模式,并具有以“融城市功能的生态导向型经营”为首的自然区位、功能结构、政治经济、生活文化等各方面的九大特征。 规划源于策略。本文提出此类规划可划分“滨水区、辐射区、影响区”三个渐进尺度的建议,并总结出各尺度相应的服务半径、规划目标及策略。希望通过“渐进分区策略”考虑及解决规划问题,即“在滨水区,注重其生态环境的科学形成与遵从自然的可持续发展”、“在辐射区,注重土地经济、功能结构、时序开发的高效回报”、“在影响区,注重人居环境、人文归属、城市形象的提升”。通过策略使此类湖区与区域或城市总体规划年能较好衔接,谋创新之道。 本文选择滨水区尺度的生态规划设计为深入对象,展开阐述此尺度规划目标下的规划要点、设计内容及相关建议。并且最终以安徽宣城城南新区扬子鳄湖/(人工湖/)景区规划为参照,详析具体案例的规划实践,剖析此类城市扩张中人工湖区的开发缘起、发展策略及规划设计。 全文从景观规划、经营建设、城市发展的综合视角,研究此类湖区的存在本质,分析建设模式及特征,尝试规划建设一种具综合效应的生态增长极成长模式,提出合理分序,并使其与城市区域扩张时空相切合。 Now China is at a critical stage of fast urban sprawl. Thus the development in steady, healthy and high-efficient should become to be a cornerstone of growing up for a century. But unavoidably, there are still some conflicts in development. In recent years, 'Artificial Lake District' is extensively paid attention to. The water enclosure brings not only wealth, benefit and development, but also some negative ones which are the negligence of eco-condition and laws, the eagerness for quick success or the harmfulness to people interests. So this paper should focuse on the analysis in characteristic of Artificial Lake District and its planning and design which promotes the healthy development and smart growth. From 21st century, land enclosue has been raised in three times.Many cities fall over each other to imitate them because of wealth. So the Artificial Lake District which symbolized rare resource has gradually sprouts in new urban growth. Besides the wealth cause, there are some other external factors which are the public orientation of ecology, the natural instinct of water affinity, the prevalence of achievements, the shrewd eyes of investment, etc. The paper research is set about from the investigation of ancient-present build mode, theory backgrounds, case studies of artificial lakes district .And then its inner drives and extrapolating causes,its benefits and negative effects of development should be dissected.The paper also give some proposals, they are the respectation of nature basic conditions and the importance of target users. The planning of Artificial Lake Distict has transcended the category of landscape, and it is deeply influenced by dynamic urban sprawl. This paper should summarize not only five build modes, which are the' district converted', the 'eco-growth pole ', the ' multi-objectives', the' space-time sequence' and the'Hi-Tech', but also nine major characteristics, which headed by 'ecological market orient mode /(EMO/) corporated with urban function'. Planning is from strategy. Thus in this paper, 'progressive scale strategy' is put forward.,which the planning can be divided into three scale, water district, radiate district and influence district.And also, its service radius, objectives and tactics should be summarized. It is excepted that this'progressive scale strategy' can solve problem in planning, which include three related goals, they are 'the scientific foundation of eco-environment and sustainable development complied with nature in the waterfronts',' the high-efficient return of land economy, function structure, sequence development in the radiating-influence areas ', 'the promotion of living environment, humanist ascription, urban image in the new-developed areas. This strategy should make the connection between region and master plan much better. It is the way for innovation. Furthermore, ecological planning in water district is seclected to deeply explain the objectives, contents and suggestions. And finally, the project 'Planning of the Scenic Area of Yangzi Crocodile Lake, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province' is analyzed in details as a reference case which dissects some practical genesis, strategy, objectives and suggestions in detail. From the multiangular views of landscaping, construction and city development, the paper studies the essence of Artificial Lake District, it analyzes the build modes and characteristics. It tries to constrcut one stragety for ecological pole growth, which has many benefits. Moreover, it also proposes a rational sequence for planning to suit the urban sprawl.

关 键 词: 人工湖区 城市扩张 规划设计 生态增长极

分 类 号: [TU984.18]

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 鄢玉婷
作者 梁金容
作者 王立虹
作者 赵虎
作者 肖森昌


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学华软软件学院
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇