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Research on the Relationship between Mobile Operator's Business Mode and Regulation for Service Providor

导  师: 曾剑秋

学科专业: 020205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京邮电大学

摘  要: 随着基础电信业务的竞争日趋激烈,替代技术与业务的不断发展,基础电信运营商的ARPU值不断下降,移动运营商希望通过移动增值业务的发展塑造差异化的服务,进而迎接3G到来的挑战。然而,移动运营商在初期采用的“一刀切”的分成模式和以激励为主的SP管理体制却引发了很多问题;消费者对于电信业的投诉也集中在增值业务上。而移动运营商在政府政策和舆论压力下紧急的出台了一系列的SP管制政策,但并未能取得预期的效果。本文认为根本原因是移动运营商未能明确其商业模式与SP管制战略之间的关系。因此,移动运营商将要建立什么样的商业模式,如何形成对增值业务提供商的管理战略,这两个问题是本文将要重点解决的。 本文的主要创新点包括以下三点: 第一点,通过比较“商业模式”和“核心竞争力”理论,阐明了两者的区别;并且基于多种商业模式分析框架,归纳了一种操作性较强、切中核心的商业模式分析框架,用来分析本文的移动运营商增值业务市场的商业模式。并且首次将“双边市场”理论和“中间层”理论结合用于分析移动增值业务市场,指出运营商加强对增值业务提供商管制的根本原因在于维护其商业模式的可持续发展; 第二点,本文将移动运营商对SP的管制战略分为三个阶段,并基于此归纳了移动运营商对SP“刺激—反应”式管制战略的模型,继而与实际执行的效果对比,指出了现有的管制策略的形成机制存在的问题; 第三点,本文提出了一种新的SP管制战略形成机制,指出了移动运营商构建有效的SP的管制战略是建立与维持其增值业务商业模式的关键;并且应用新的管制战略分析模型对当前的移动运营商“一体化”战略和对SP的激励机制进行分析,认为移动运营商并 With increasingly fierce competition in the basic telecommunication service and alternative technologies development, the ARPU of telecom operators is declining. Therefore mobile operators hope to create differential advantages in the development of mobile value-added service so that they can meet the challenges of 3G However, many problems are raising as the result of the measures that 'one size fits all' model and the encouragement management system as the principal in early days. Consumer complaints in telecommunications industry have focused on value-added business. Although the mobile operators have introduced a series of emergent service-provider control policy under the pressures of public opinion and government policies, they failed to achieve the desired results. This paper holds that the ultimate cause is that mobile operators don't know the clear relationship between their business model and the service-provider regulation strategy. Therefore, this paper will focus on what kind of business model to establish and how to create service-provider management strategies. The paper includes three following innovations: Firstly, by comparing 'business model' with 'core competence' theory, the paper tells the differences between them. Then the paper introduces an operational and exact analysis framework based on several business model analysis frameworks, which can be used to analyze the value-added business model of telecom operators. Meanwhile, the author firstly introduces 'bilateral market' theory and the 'middle level' theory to analyze mobile value-added service market, identify five business models in mobile operators, prove the feasibility of the business model in theory and point out the sustainable business is the reason of regulating the value-added service providers. Secondly, this paper builds a 'stimulus-response' model for the regulation strategies, which are divided into three phrases. Then the paper compares the practical results with the model and points out that the

关 键 词: 商业模式 管制战略 双边市场 激励机制

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 林碧辉
作者 晏宗新
作者 林祥
作者 莫亦兵
作者 彭惠莲


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟