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Synthesis Nano//Micrometer Functional Materials with Regular Structure by Electrodeposition

导  师: 刘润

学科专业: 070304

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江大学

摘  要: 最近几年,制备各种具有特殊形貌和特殊性质的纳米/微米的无机材料引起了越来越多的研究的兴趣。特别是伴随生物技术的进一步发展,以高聚物,蛋白质,多肽,氨基酸等作为软模板,模拟生物矿化过程,控制材料的形貌晶型已成为研究的热点。 电沉积是一种液相电化学沉积方法,文献中已报道制备各种多晶薄膜和纳米结构材料。电沉积通常在室温或稍高于室温的条件下进行,因此非常适合制备纳米/微米结构材料;沉积的量由Faraday定律控制;沉积的速度可由过电位来控制,越大的过电位,沉积速度越快;此外,电沉积是一种经济高效的沉积方法,有利于规模化生产和自动化控制。 CaCO/_3作为生物硬组织中的的主要组成物质之一,广泛的存在贝壳、珊瑚、骨骼、珍珠、耳石等之中。而且,CaCO/_3在橡胶、塑料、造纸、油墨、涂料、饲料、制药等方面也有广泛的应用。研究CaCO/_3的形成机理,对于模拟生物矿化,制备高性能材料有重要的指导意义。在本论文中,采用了温和的电化学沉积法,在室温条件下/(25℃左右/),Ca/(NO/_3/)/_2-H/_2O/_2水溶液体系,以L-Ala作为软模板,用简单的一步法制备得到了层状的CaCO/_3-L-Ala的有机——无机复合结构。这与自然界中,贝壳的碳酸钙层和蛋白质层交替出现,所形成有机——无机层状复合材料非常的相似。此方法对于合成其他的有机——无机复合结构的材料有一定指导作用。 ZnO作为是一种用途十分广泛的功能材料,大量用于电子、涂料、催化等重要工业技术领域。在本论文中,用电沉积的方法,在70℃水浴条件下沉积了得到ZnO。通过更换不同的基体/(ITO,ITO/ZnO,Si/(111/)/)和添加不同种类的氨基酸作为软模板,实现了对ZnO的形貌控制,制备了六方柱形,片状,多孔形,球形等多种具有特殊形貌的ZnO。 In/_2O/_3是一种n型的半导体/(直接禁带宽度为3.6eV/),在许多的高新技术领域有着广泛应用。如应用在液晶显示/(LCD/)、节能玻璃、太阳能电池等领域。此外,In/_2O/_3作为一种新型的气体敏感材料,以其较高的灵敏度和选择性日益引起人们关注。在本论文中,首先用电沉积的方法,在90℃水浴条件下,在InCl/_3-H/_2O/_2水溶液体系中首先合成排列有序直径在100nm左右的柱状In/(OH/)/_3。从较高倍数的SEM图片可以看出,每根直径在100nm左右的柱状In/(OH/)/_3,是由更细的直径在10-20nm之间的柱子组装而成的。然后以电沉积得到的In/(OH/)/_3作为前驱体在300℃热分解2小时得到纳米In/_2O/_3薄膜,分别用SEM、XRD和PL等进行了表征。还研究了不同的基体/(ITO导电玻璃和Si/(111/)/)和氨基酸软模板对于In/(OH/)/_3形貌的影响。通过对比试验对于可能的生成机理进行了讨论。 Recent years, synthesis of materials with complex structures has attracted great attention because many those materials have unique optical, magnetic and mechanical properties. With the development of biotechnology, the bio-inspired synthesis crystals with complex forms that mimic natural biominerals has become a hot area of research. The biomineralization process normally requires biomaterials, such as, polymer, protein, polypeptide or amino acid as soft templet. Electrodeposition is an electrochemical deposition method to prepare polycrystal thin films and nanostructures in aqueous or nonaqueous solutions. There are sevral advantages about electrodeposition. Electrodeposition normally is performed under room temperature or a little above room temperature so that it is suitable for preparing nano//microstructures. The amount of deposition can be controlled by Faraday law. The rate of deposition can be controlled by over-potential. The larger over-potential is applied, the faster growth rate can be obtained. Moreover, electrodeposition is a low cost and easy scale-up deposition method. Calcium carbonate /(CaCO/_3/), one of the most abundant biominerals, exists widely in sea shells, coral, coccoliths, and exoskeletons. Calcium carbonate was widely used in industry, such as, paper, rubber, plastic and paint. In this thesis, the hybrid L-Ala-CaCO/_3 with unique pancake lamellar structures which is similar to the sea shells with layered hybrid inorganic-organic structures have been obtained through electrodeposition method using L-α-Alanine /(L-Ala/) as the soft template at room temperature /(about 25℃/) in Ca/(NO/_3/)/_2-H/_2O/_2 aqueous solutions. The combination of electrochemical method and biomineralization concept may supply a novel and facile method to synthesize functional materials which mimic the unique structures of nature biominerals. ZnO is a wide gap semiconductor that has attracted considerable attention recently for various potential applications in low-voltage and short-wavelength optoelectronic devices, such as light emitting diodes and laser diodes. In this thesis, ZnO has been electrodeposited directly from solution at 70℃. The effects of the substrates and different type of amino acids on morphologies and orientations of the electrodeposited ZnO have also been studied. ZnO with different morphologies can be obtained through using different substrates and different amino acids as soft templet. Indium oxide /(In/_2O/_3/), a n-type semiconductor with a wide band gap of about 3.6 eV, has been widely used for optoelectronic devices and other applications, including gas sensors, solar cells, window heater, and flat panel displays. In this thesis, nanocrystalline pillared In/(OH/)/_3 has been electrodeposited from InCl/_3-H/_2O/_2 aqueous solution at 90℃. From the higher SEM picture, it is clearly that, the pillared In/(OH/)/_3 was assembled by nano-pillar with the diameter about 10-20 nm. Nano-In/_2O/_3 has been obtained by thermal decomposing In/(OH/)/_3 at 300℃. The effects of the different substrates or amino acids on morphologies and orientations of the electrodeposited In/(OH/)/_3 have also been explored. Based on experimental results, the possible formation mechanism has been discussed.

关 键 词: 电沉积 氨基酸

分 类 号: [TB383.1]

领  域: [一般工业技术]


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