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The Application of Virtual Reality Technology Based on X3D in the Modern Distance Education

导  师: 许孝元;许立勇

学科专业: 081203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

摘  要: 远程教育作为一个独立的教育形态,起源于19世纪40年代的函授教育,在20世纪70年代,利用多种媒体的远程教育迅速发展,使远程教育第一次受到世界教育领域的普遍关注,被认为是人类教育史上的一次重大变革。20世纪末,信息技术的应用揭开了现代远程教育的序幕,在信息技术强有力的支持下,现代远程教育具有了前所未有的适应性和灵活性,成为世界各国政府实现终身教育的第一选择。与第一代函授教育和第二代多种媒体的远程教育相比,现代远程教育已经由教育的边缘模式,发展成为教育的主流模式。现代远程教育不再只作为一种替补的教育形式,为那些错过接受高等教育机会的人们提供补救的学习机会,而已经成为一种代表教育未来发展方向的教育形式,正在引领着各国教育领域的全面变革。 现代远程教育的主要形式是网络教育。网络教育因其独特的优势,将成为终身学习的首选形式。网络教育可以使更多的人尤其是无法到校园内学习的人接受高等教育,满足人民群众接受高等教育的需要。现代远程教育已经成为教育的一种主流形式。 虚拟现实从本质上讲是一种先进的计算接口技术,它将现实世界中存在的或者现实世界本来没有的事物和环境,通过各种技术虚拟出来,再通过视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等因素的协同作用,以及通过实现用户和该环境直接进行交互,来让用户感觉到就如真实的世界一样,从而产生身临其境感觉。 虚拟现实技术在现代远程教育中具有不可比拟的优越性,它能够弥补远程教学条件的不足;避免真实实验和操作所带来的各种危险;彻底打破时间、空间的限制;虚拟人物形象。已经越来越多的远程教育机构已经意识到了虚拟现实在远程教育中的重要作用,并做了相� The distance education takes an independent education shape. It originated from the 19th century 40's correspondence educations. In the 20th century 70's, many kinds of media distance education developed rapidly. For the first time, it drew the wide attention from the world education domain. It was considered as a significant revolution in human history of education. By the end of 20 century, the information technology application had opened the modern distance learning prologue. With the information technology powerful support, the modern distance learning has the unprecedented compatibility and the flexibility. And the governments of various countries realize that modern distance learning becomes the first choice of lifelong education. Compared with the first generation of correspondence education and the second generation of many kinds of media distance learning, the modern distance learning has already developed from the edge pattern of education to the mainstream pattern. The modern distance learning no longer takes only one kind of substitution of the education form which provides remediation of study for the people who missed the opportunity for accepting high education, it also becomes a kind of representation form of the development direction for the future education. It has been eagerly anticipating the through revolution for the various countries' education fields. The main form of the modern distance education is the online education. Because of its unique advantage, online education will become the first-selected form of lifetime study. Online education can make more people, especially those unable to enter the college campus to accept advanced education. The distance education has already become a kind of major form of education. In essential, the virtual reality is one kind of advanced computer connection technology. By various technologies, it makes things in the real world and those originally not existing in real world such as hearing, touch, taste, smell, and etc, all work tog

关 键 词: 虚拟现实技术 现代远程教育

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 王展鹏
作者 罗奕成
作者 王荣华
作者 梁贵嫒
作者 李根平


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学继续教育学院
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 广东工业大学


作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊