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导  师: 黄旭

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南财经大学

摘  要: 自1988年以来,我国的工程监理制度先后经历了试点、稳步发展和全面推行三个阶段。十年以来,我国工程监理工作的发展,一直得到党和国家领导人的高度重视。国务院领导曾多次发表重要讲话强调实施工程监理制度的重要性。1999年12月,朱镕基同志在视察三峡工程时重点指出:“为确保三峡工程质量,必须实行严格的工程监理制度,强化工程监理。”在2003年8月召开的国务院南水北调工程建设委员会会议上,温家宝总理再次强调:“工程建设要按照政企分开大原则,严格实行项目法人责任制、招投标制、建设监理制、合同管理制。”1 多年来的实践证明:工程监理工作在我国工程建设中发挥了重要作用,取得了显著成效,赢得了社会的广泛认同。 在国家大力推行工程建设监理制度的大背景下,XD监理公司于1994年成立,从1996年起开始承揽监理业务,经过十年来市场风雨的考验,从一个当初仅十几个人,产值几十万的小型监理企业,发展到现今职工260人、年产值2000多万元的大型综合型监理企业,从开始的仅提供工程监理服务,拓展为涉及工程监理、招标代理、设备监造、工程咨询、项目管理等建设领域多专业、多类型、全方位服务的综合型建设咨询企业。企业在发展中壮大,在磨练中成长,不仅经济实力得到增强,人才队伍壮大优化,企业品牌也获得很大提升,成为四川省及国内化工行业建设监理领域的一支主力军。 XD公司在发展壮大的同时,由于市场环境的变化及企业本身的缺陷,也遇到了许多困难。如:监理市场恶性竞争问题、加入WTO后国外咨询公司的竞争问题、工程监理法规体系不完善的问题、部分工程监理人员的素质问题、工程监理水平有待提高的问题、监理行业与国际接轨向项目管理方向发展的问题、企业产权制度尚需深化改革� The Construction Supervision System in China has gone through three phases since the year 1988, which are trial, steady development, and extension. It has always drawn the attention of the leaders of Chinese government within these years. The leaders of the State Council made speeches regarding this issue and affirmed the importance of this working system. For example, the former Prime Minister Zhu Rongji, pointed out in 1992 when he visited Three Gorges:“The construction supervision system shall be seriously executed and intensified in order to ensure the Project quality.”In the August 2003, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao reaffirmed in the meeting regarding the Project of Conducting Southern water to the North that the project construction shall be fully in accordance with the principle of government and enterprise separation. The project legal person liability, project bidding, project construction supervision system, and project contract management shall be executed. It has been well proved through experiences that the Construction Supervision system plays an important part in the project construction of our country and gains a significant effect. It has been widely recognized. With such kind of the background that the government try to push the practice of Construction Supervision System, XD Supervision Company was established in 1994. Starting with its first project carried out in 1996, this company has developed from a very small one with only tens of staff and some hundreds thousand RMB of turnover to a large scale and comprehensive one with 260 staff and over twenty million RMB of turnover, which has varieties of disciplines, and could provide different and full-spectrum service to the owners. Its services have also been expended from the very beginning of only construction supervision to the variety of engineering supervision, bidding agency, equipment manufacture supervision, engineering consultation, and project management. This company has been grown up and improved through its

关 键 词: 公司 建设监理 战略选择

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 黄小燕
作者 林挺
作者 谢攀


机构 广东工业大学华立学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学建筑学院建筑系
机构 暨南大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟