导 师: 曹云华
学科专业: 030207
授予学位: 博士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学
摘 要: 上世纪90年代以来,在新地区主义浪潮推动下,东亚经济整合的趋势不断加强。国际关系理论界对东亚经济一体化的动因、目标模式、发展前景、路径选择以及大国关系等问题进行深入研讨,提出了许多新见解,为进一步探讨东亚一体化提供了广阔的研究空间。随着世界经济一体化的发展和东亚各国经济相互依赖程度的不断加深,实现东亚经济一体化成为一种必然,也具备了一定的条件。其目标模式可以从自由贸易区开始,向共同市场和货币一体化迈进,最终实现完全意义的一体化。由于东亚政治、经济、文化和制度等方面的多元性、复杂性和特殊性,决定了东亚经济一体化是一个循序渐进的过程,从双边到多边,从次区域到区域合作是实现东亚经济一体化的必然选择。目前,东盟已成为事实上的东亚经济一体化启动者和领导者,东亚其它国家也尊重和希望东盟继续发挥主导作用;“10+3”机制在今后一定时期是加快一体化进程的最佳途径。但是,随着一体化进程的深入,东亚经济一体化的最终实现需要中国来主导,需要中国扮演更为重要更加积极的角色。 东亚经济一体化对国际关系格局的影响主要体现在中美关系和国际政治经济关系上。中国作为核心大国,对东亚经济一体化的进程、目标和发展方向负有重大的责任,应该而且也有能力作出更大的贡献。中国可以通过采取八大战略措施来发挥更为重要更加积极的角色,即:积极主动发展对外关系共建和谐国际环境;树立大国形象承担大国义务;转变主权观念,调整安全战略,维护东亚和平、稳定与繁荣;协调经济政策,主动参与公平合理的国际机制建设:积极推进中国-东盟自由贸易区和东北亚自由贸易区建设;科教兴国和人才强国,加快经济发展,增强经济实力 Since the end of last century, the trend of East-Asian economic conformity has been reinforced uninterruptedly under the force of the neo-regionalism. The experts in the theory group of international relations have carefully studied some issues about integration of East-Asian economy, such as its causes, the target mode, the prospects of development, the choice of route, the relations of the great powers and so on. Meanwhile, they have also brought forward a great deal of new views, which offer expansive research scope to discuss the integration of East-Asian economy. Along with the development of the world economy integration and economic interdependence among East Asian countries, integration of East-Asian economy becomes necessary and possesses certain conditions. Its target mode can begin with free-trade area, then enter the common market and currency incorporation, and ultimately achieve entire integration. Because of the complexity, particularity and diversity in the politics, economy, culture and systems of East Asia, the integration of East-Asian economy is an orderly and gradual course. The process from double-border to excessive-border and from sub-area cooperation to area cooperation is a necessary choice to carry out the integration of