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Study on the Spatial and Temporal EOS//MODIS VIs' Change in Hunan Province

导  师: 林辉

学科专业: 090704

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中南林业科技大学

摘  要: 随着对客观世界不断地认识,人们发现区域尺度乃至全球范围的研究是非常有必要的,对地观测系统/(EOS/)正是在这种背景下提出的。发展至今,已有20多颗携带有不同时间分辨率、空间分辨率、波谱分辨率传感器的卫星在轨运行,产生的遥感数据为研究大气、水、海洋、生物、陆地等地球综合圈层做出了巨大贡献。MODIS传感器是其中的一种,分别安装在Aqua卫星和Terra卫星上,集高分辨率和高光谱于一体,成为新一代图谱合一的光学仪器。其多通道数据提供有关大气、海洋、陆地表面的特征信息,如气溶胶、云、水、汽、洋面温度、海洋浮游植物、地表温度、土地覆盖变化、植被等的特征信息,加上数据具有较高的空间、时间分辨率,以及获得的容易性,被广泛应用于地球科学的综合研究。 植被指数是多光谱遥感数据中的两个或多个波段运算结果,用于描述植被数量和质量,对植被长势、生物量等具有指示意义。对植被指数时间序列的动态分析研究,可以为植被分区、植物长势和物候监测等提供基础数据,为研究全球变化对植被覆盖的影响积累资料,为自然资源监测、保护及其相关领域提供理论数据,为相关部门制定决策提供科学依据。 本文以2005年的MODIS数据为主要信息源,采用最大值合成法/(MVC/),以月为合成期,合成了湖南省250m分辨率的NDVI、EVI植被指数产品。详细研究了MODIS数据处理及植被指数产品的合成,包括数据的筛选、大气校正、计算植被指数、去除Bowtie现象、几何校正、研究区植被指数图的裁剪及合成。在仔细分析湖南省各个月植被指数时空变化特征的基础上,进一步结合月平均温度与月平均降水量等气象资料,探索它们与MODIS植被指数的相关性。研究结果如下: /(1/)湖南省MOD As people's recognition go deep into the object world constantly, they find it is necessary to broaden the study scale to regional and even global extent. The Earth Observation System /(EOS/) system was put forward under such a background. So far, there are more than 20 satellites operating in their obits, which take many sensors with different temporal resolution, spatial resolution and spectral resolution, and the data generated from the sensors have made a great contribution to the study of atmosphere, ocean, biology and other dynamics and processes occurring on the surface of the earth. The Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer /(MODIS/), installed both in Aqua and Terra, is one of these sensors, and it is a new optical instrument gathering high resolution and radiometric sensitivity features into one, so that its multi-channel data have two important characters: first, they provide many information about atmospheric /(aerosol and cloud properties, water vapor and temperature profiles/), oceanic /(sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll/), land-surface features /(land-cover changes, land-surface temperature, snow cover, and vegetation properties/); second, they have high temporal and spatial resolutions. Besides, its data can be easily obtained. Thus, they are widely used in geoscience study. Vegetation indexes /(VIs/) are spectral transformations of two or more bands designed to describe the quantity and quality of vegetation, and they can be an indication of vegetation growth and biomass. Study the varieties from VI time series can provide fundamental data for vegetation growth and distribution, phenology monitoring, affection of global change to vegetation covering, and monitoring and protecting of natural resources. Besides they can be scientific foundation for decision making. In this paper, MODIS VIs, namely normalized different vegetation index /(NDVI/) and enhanced vegetation index /(EVI/), are generated at 250m resolution every month in 2005 under the algorithm of maximu

关 键 词: 遥感 植被指数 时间序列

领  域: [生物学]


作者 杨慧
作者 胡小飞
作者 阮伟致
作者 周倩仪
作者 李湛


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发