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Research on Furniture Assembly Modeling of Design for Mass Customization and Its Application

导  师: 陈新;陈新度

学科专业: 080202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

摘  要: 随着人们生活质量的提高,全球市场竞争的加剧,满足客户产品的“个性化、多品种、小批量”的定制方式显得越来越重要,传统的大规模生产方式已经不能适应人们的多元化和个性化的需求。大规模定制是一种崭新的生产方式,是解决大规模生产和个性化需求之间矛盾的有效方法。与之相应的产品设计方法也发生了改变,其核心是基于模块化、标准化和组合化的原理,通过变型设计实现个性化设计的方法和技术,以产品族模型为对象进行快速开发。 本文以家具业为背景,研究面向大规模定制的家具设计装配建模技术及实现。具体内容如下: 通过对大规模定制的产品族的研究,结合家具的设计过程,利用关联矩阵,对零部件属性进行分析,针对大规模定制的品种多、开发时间短、产品个性化的特点,提出基于属性约束选配的算法,建立属性间约束关系,将其运用到面向大规模定制设计选配中。使设计人员能在较少的范围、较准确地选择出所需零部件,为实现快速选配打下基础。 利用装配体间进行预定义约束特性,进一步提出自动装配和半自动装配的算法和实现条件,并实现零部件进行装配,构成装配结构树。 提出基于属性约束的变型设计方法和面向大规模定制设计的变型式并行设计方式,为设计人员在装配过程中提供了可行的变型设计方式。 最后结合某家具企业设计现况,利用VC++及Pro//ToolKit对Pro//E进行二次开发,将上述过程在面向大规模定制设计的家具装配建模系统得以实现。它针对大规模定制和家具设计的特点,将装配建模中的产品选配、装配自动化和变型设计进行结合和实现,并得以应用。应用表明,它有效地缩短了产品开发周期,提高了家具设计的开发效率,为企业赢得了时间和经济效益。 With the improvement of the living standard and the fiercely global competition, the demands for diversity products that could meet different kinds of customer needs become more and more important factor to achieve the competive advantage. Traditional mass production /(MP/) manner can't meet the new trend any more. The mass customization /(MC/) rises as a new production way which can well balance the conflicts between the mass production and the individuation. At the very heart of the mass customization lies the application of principle of the modularization, standardization and unitization.This thesis mainly focuses on the research of furniture assembly modeling technology and its implementation. The following is the main contents conducted in this thesis:Through the reserach on the product family for MC, linking the deign process of furniture, using the incidence matrix, the algorithm based on attribute constraint is proposed. Based on the characteristics, which are mutil-product, the short deveolpment time and the ivdividuation product, the relationship is created and used to the selective assembly for MC. Thus the designer can exactly select the model in a smaller range to arrive at the quick selective assembly.Using the pre-defined attribute relationship among the assembly module, an algorithm for the full-automatical assembly and semi-atuomatic assembly is proposed as well as its implementation conditions. Finally the model is assembled and the frame tree is made up of.The variant design method based on the attribute constraint and the variant concurrent design way are proposed synchronously, that can provide a feasible variant design way to the designer in the assembly process.Finally according to the furniture industry design conditions, the furniture assembly modeling system based on Pro//E is developed using the methods mentioned above and the programming tools such as: VC++, Pro//ToolKit and Pro//E, to program. Targeting to the characteristics of the furniture design, this system unites the product sel

关 键 词: 大规模定制 装配 建模 变型设计 选配 属性

领  域: [轻工技术与工程]


作者 向敏
作者 顾嘉荣
作者 赵咏华
作者 唐庭安
作者 孙先锦


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东白云学院


作者 徐焰
作者 邹开敏
作者 李景睿
作者 李尚蒲
作者 莫岳云