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A JIT Approach to Short-term Scheduling for Crude Oil Operations in Refinery and Its Realization

导  师: 伍乃骐

学科专业: 080202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

摘  要: 为更好的适用市场化需求,精益生产思想下的计划与调度在离散制造业中得到了广泛的应用,作为流程工业典型代表的炼油石化行业亦应如此。然而,在实际应用中,炼油行业却仍以推式计划为主。其中,在长期计划与调度中使用线性规划方法,在短期生产计划与调度方面更多的是采用混合整数规划方法。其复杂繁重的计算却给实际应用带来了诸多难题。因此,在原油处理短期生产计划方面,目前仍无较好的解决策略,计划仍以手工操作为主。这种依传统的经验进行手工排产的方式,严重地阻碍了炼化企业的信息化进程。因此,开发一套基于拉式模式下的有效的短期生产计划软件已势在必行。 本文以原油处理过程为研究对象,分析了相关业务流程及其规则约束、常规推式计划下的瓶颈问题等,并给出了原油处理短期生产计划的形式定义与产生方式。文中通过对“JIT/(Just In Time/)”管理思想的阐释,给出了拉式思想的应用方法,以“拉式”的“需求拉动”思维为计划制定的指导思想。鉴于问题本身的复杂性,本文采用“仿真+启发式”的方法,给出了原油处理过程中短期计划与调度的相关算法与实现。 借助于相关算法,可以给出指定周期内的短期生产计划。同时,由于提供了相关修改功能,使计划员具有控制决策制定过程的可能性,从而使决策的产生更具灵活性。本系统已通过炼油企业实际生产数据测试/(文中给出了部分实例/),并运行良好。 In discrete manufacturing, just in time schedule is pursued so as to respond better to the market. As a typical process industry, oil refinery is also required to do so. However, in practice, the existing techniques for short-term scheduling in oil refinery are based on push production mode. Linear programming based techniques for long-term planning and scheduling are well-developed. Mixed integer programming methods are also developed for short-term scheduling. However, they are not applicable in practice due to the computational complexity. Furthermore, these methods create a short-term schedule in a push production mode. Thus, up to now, there is no efficient tool for short-term scheduling in oil refinery and it is done manually. This motivates us to develop an efficient software tool to help planners for short-term scheduling so that a short-term schedule in pull production mode can be created.In the thesis, we address the short-term scheduling problem for crude oil operations. After brief introduction of the processes and constraints, the short-term scheduling problem for crude oil operations is defined. Based on the description of the problem, algorithms for the creation of various operation decisions are proposed to realize a given refining schedule that is obtained from market demands. Because of the complexity of the problem, we use 'heuristic + simulation' algorithms. In this way, it is computationally efficient and applicable to real-world problem.With the algorithms proposed, a short-term scheduling system for crude oil operations is developed. By using this system, short-term schedule can be created with less human interference. It is tested in a real oil refinery plant, and it works well.

关 键 词: 原油处理 短期计划 拉式系统

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 丁成杰
作者 李文娇
作者 陆德谋


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟