导 师: 杨赞
学科专业: 082303
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 大连海事大学
摘 要: 伴随全球物流一体化的进程的加快和船舶大型化的迅猛发展,支线运输网络必将蓬勃发展。在支线船舶运输中,船舶的调配和航线的设计是影响航运企业效益的重要因素,也是节约社会物流成本的关键途径。然而,迄今为止,这类工作一般都是靠投资经营者的个人经验和主观判断力去完成,现有的为数不多的优化模型,在支线运输中港口数目达到几十个时,其实际应用性也十分有限。 本文在研究车辆调度问题/(VRP/)的基本理论和研究方法的基础上,根据船舶支线运输调度的实际情况,设计了支线船舶调度问题/(FSRP/)的混合整数规划模型。本文所研究设计的支线船舶调度问题模型与传统的VRP、VRPB、VRPPD以及VRPTW都有所不同。在支线船舶运输中,既有送货又有取货,且二者有时同时进行;不存在VRPB中关于送货优先的约束,也没有类似VRPPD中对于装卸顺序的约束,因为在喂给港所装上的货物都要送回枢纽港,船舶在出发和返回枢纽港时一般均为重载。传统的VRPTW中,时间窗的约束仅仅针对于顾客而言,配送中心不存在时间窗约束,但在FSRP模型中,由于配送中心是干线运输的挂靠港口,因此对枢纽港的时间窗也是有要求的。 由于支线船舶调度问题属于NP—难题,本文在遗传算法的基础上,结合启发式算法和免疫遗传算法的思想,设计了一个新的免疫遗传算法。文章的最后使用VB程序对所提出的算法进行了编程计算,通过试验数据的计算,并与文献中其他算法结果的比较,进一步证明了本文所提出的模型和算法的可行性和高效率性,对合理设计支线运输航线和调配船舶、节约支线船舶运营成本具有重要重要意义。 With the acceleration of the incorporation process of global logistics and the ship macro-scale developing trend, feeder-line networks must develop largely now and in the future. In the feeder-line shipping operations, Ship Routing Problems has played an important part in the profit of shipping company, and is the crucial factor of saving logistics cost of the society. However, until now, this kind .of work is decided by the experience and personal judgment of administrators. When the number of feeder ports mounts up, the exited formulation and algorithm would show their limitations.Based on the study of classical VRPs and the practical instances of Feeder-liner Shipping Rouging Problem, the dissertation proposes a new Mixed Integer Programming model, which is different from VRPs. The FSRP is different from the VRP with backhauls. However, the VRPB is traditionally assumed that on each route all deliveries have to be made before any cargo can be picked up to avoid rearranging the loads on the vehicle. Such a limitation can be relaxed for the FSRP. The FSRP is also different from the VRP with pickup and delivery /(VRPPD/). Both the coupling and precedence constraints, for the VRPPD, between the pickup and delivery stops can be relaxed for the FSRP, since its pickup cargoes in all feeder ports must be taken back to the hub. The difference between the FSRP and the VRPTW is that, for the FSPR, the hub port also has time window constraint besides all the feeder ports.The FSRP belongs to NP-hard problems. The dissertation develops a new immune genetic algorithm. Numerical experiments indicate the proposed methods are more effective in reducing the total shipping cost, compared to other famous algorithms.