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导  师: 冯平

学科专业: 010105

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 复旦大学

摘  要: 19世纪中后期,近代西方哲学的发展陷入困境。杜威对传统哲学展开批判,指出哲学陷入困境的原因在于传统哲学对确定性的不懈追求。要走出困境,哲学必须重视长期被忽视的行动,重视理论与行动实践的结合,为人类生活行为提供理智指导。由此杜威确立其哲学立场,就是经验的自然主义和工具主义。这一哲学立场直接影响到杜威价值论的建构,使其价值论呈现出彰显经验、行动、效果的特点。 杜威的价值论有三个重要的理论支点,一是自然主义径路,二是目的与手段的关系,三是事实与价值的关系,因此本文的研究采用了三条主线:自然主义价值论、超经验的价值论、情感主义价值论,把杜威价值论放在这三个链条中考察,了解杜威在自然主义价值论径路中如何继往开来,又是如何站在自然主义价值论战线来反对追求绝对价值的超经验的价值论,批驳情感主义,并进一步阐发其自然主义价值论主张。这也是杜威价值论意义的全面展现。 经验的自然主义立场使杜威研究价值论时采用了自然主义价值论径路。这种研究径路认为价值来源于自然、经验的事实,并认为把握价值的方法就是经验的方法。杜威一方面深受以往自然主义价值论的影响,另一方面也对它们作了修正和发展。 作为自然主义价值论者,杜威对超经验的价值论持批评态度,批评的焦点在于“自在价值”。杜威认为,“自在价值”说割裂了目的与手段的关系,它不仅太远离实际、太一般化,也是独断的。因此杜威重新阐释了目的与手段的关系,并在此基础上进一步提出一种能够理智地指导行动的价值理论。他引入了科学领域的探究法和实验法来构建价值论,这样的价值理论是对经验、行动和效果的彰显。 以艾耶尔为代表的情感主义虽然承认价值判断与经验的关联,但是否定了价值理论的科学性,质疑价值判断的客观性,并认为事实与价值之间是断裂的。从而引起了杜威与艾耶尔之间的事实与价值之争。杜威有力地反驳了艾耶尔的情感主义观点,指出事实与价值之间是统一的。杜威的据理力争使自然主义价值论在二十世纪三十年代情感主义广为流行的情况下依然能够立于不败之地,同时也促使斯蒂文森、黑尔对情感主义作了修正。 对自然主义价值论的发展和维护,杜威的贡献是突出的,其思想对我们今天的价值论研究仍有不少启示意义,但也有其局限性。本文指出,只有在实践的唯物史观基础上探讨价值问题,才能使价值论研究觅得恰当的研究起点,也才能使价值论研究获得更进一步的发展…… In the middle and late 19~/(th/) century, the development of philosophy entered a dilemma. Dewey criticized the traditional philosophy, pointing out that its dilemma was due to its obstinate pursuit for certainty. To bring philosophy out of the dilemma, one must pay attention to what had been long ignored, to the combination of theory and practice, and to providing humankind with rational instruction. Thus Dewey set up his philosophical ground, i.e. the empirical naturalism and instrumentalism, which was directly concerned with the structure of Dewey's value theory, and laid emphasis on experience, action and effect.Dewey's value theory has three important points: theoretical setting; the relationship between objective and means; the relationship between fact and value. Therefore, this thesis tends to study Dewey through three lines: naturalistic value theory, transcendental value theory, and sentimentalism, by which we can see how Dewey inherited and developed the naturalistic value theory, how he was opposed to transcendental value theory and sentimentalism, and how he argued for his naturalistic value theory. This is also an overall display of Dewey's value theory.The empirical naturalistic ground made Dewey apply a naturalistic approach to the study of value theory. This approach believes that value comes from natural and empirical facts and that the way to grasp value is empiricism. Dewey was both deeply influenced by past naturalistic value theory and he also made revision and development of it.As a researcher of naturalistic value theory, Dewey showed a negative attitude towards transcendental value theory. His focus of criticism lies in values-in-themselves. Dewey thinks, values-in-themselves results in the separation of objective and means. It is not only unrealistic and common, but it is also despotic. Therefore, Dewey makes a new analysis of the relationship between objective and means, and based on this, he further suggests a value theory which can help us guide our action by reason. He introduced scientific methods and experiments to construct value theory, which is to emphasize experience, action and effect.Although emotivism theory represented by Ayer accepts the connection between value judgment and experience, but it denied the scientific aspect of value theory, doubts about the objectivity of value judgment thinks that facts are separate from

关 键 词: 杜威 价值 评价 经验 行动 效果

分 类 号: [B712]

领  域: [哲学宗教]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东海洋大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 五邑大学


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作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
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