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Studies on Synergisms and Their Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms for Mixtures of Abamectin and Other Insecticides in Helicoverpa Armigera and Other Insect Pests

导  师: 程家安;唐振华

学科专业: 090402

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江大学

摘  要: 本论文以主要农业害虫-棉铃虫/(Helicoverpa armigera/)作为主要研究对象,以生物农药“阿维菌素”、矿物源农药“农用矿物喷淋油/(PSO/)”及昆虫生长调节剂/(IGR/)“氟铃脲”和“虫酰肼”等作为主要研究药剂,根据阿维菌素与各种杀虫剂混配联合作用的大量测定试验,筛选出具有明显增效作用和较大应用前景的合理混配组合。同时,采用生物测定、同位素示踪、酶活力生化测定等方法,研究了增效作用与增效剂、表皮穿透性、代谢解毒酶及靶标酶活力变化之间的相互关系,以探明混配增效作用的生理生化机制。此外,针对IGR建立了合适的生物测定方法,测定了与拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂之间的交互抗性。 1、测定了阿维菌素的生物活性及其与其他杀虫剂混配的联合作用。阿维菌素对棉铃虫、桃蚜、小菜蛾、菜青虫、二化螟、烟粉虱、美洲斑潜蝇、柑桔全爪螨、朱砂叶螨、二点叶螨10种主要农业害虫均具有较高的杀虫活性/(致死中量LD/_/(50/)为1.134×10~/(-4/)-3.460×10~/(-2/)μg//头,或致死中浓度LC/_/(50/)在1.450x10~/(-3/)-1.117μg//ml之间/)。13种杀虫剂混配在7种害虫中的联合作用试验结果表明,阿维菌素与农用矿物喷淋油/(PSO/)或氟铃脲混配具有明显的增效作用,共毒系数/(CTC/)分别达420.0和253.3,氰戊菊酯与辛硫磷混配对棉铃虫也有显著的增效作用/(CTC也达330.64/)。同时,阿维菌素与甲氰菊酯、顺式氯氰菊酯、三氟氯氰菊酯、顺式氰戊菊酯的混配组合,对小菜蛾、美洲斑潜蝇、桃蚜、柑桔全爪螨一般都具有增效作用/(CTC为133.80-386.53/);阿维菌素与毒死蜱、辛硫磷的混配组合,对棉铃虫、小菜蛾也呈现一定的增效作用/(CTC在151.14和194.51之间/);阿维菌素与三唑锡、吡虫啉的混配组合,对柑桔全爪螨、烟粉虱表现为增效或相加作用/(CTC为98.32-229.30/);而阿维菌素与久效磷、二嗪磷、甲胺磷的混配组合,对二化螟、棉铃虫则呈现相加或甚至拮抗作用/(CTC为34.10-144.58/)。 2、测定了两类昆虫生长调节剂/(IGR/)混配对棉铃虫和小菜蛾的增效作用,观察了其中毒症状和作用方式,建立了棉铃虫1龄幼虫叶片残毒法及其敏感性毒力基线,并研究了氟铃脲的交互抗性。氟铃脲、抑食肼及虫酰肼处理,棉铃虫和小菜蛾幼虫均表现出行为迟缓、取食减少、蜕皮异常或畸形等症状,最终死亡; Joint actions for mixtures of abamectin and insecticides in cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera and other agricultural insect pests were evaluated by bioassays, and relationship of synergistic effects of the mixtures to synergists, cuticular penetration, metabolic enzymes, and a target enzyme was studied by synergistic bioassays, isotope tracing tests, and biochemical tests. Besides, a foliar residue test and a susceptibility baseline were set up for insect growth regulators /(IGR/) in H. armigera, and cross resistance to pyrethroids was assayed.1. At first, bio-activities of abamectin and synergistic effects of abamectin mixed with other insecticides were assessed. Results showed that abamectin had high insecticidal activities to H. armigera, Myzus persicae, Plutella xylostella, Pieris rapae, Chilo suppressalis, Bemisia tabaci, Lirimyza sativae, Panonychus citri, Tetranychus urticae, T. cinnabarinus with 1.134×10-4 to 3.460×10-2ug//larva of LD50 or 1.450×10-3 to 1.117×μg//ml of LC50. Among joint actions of abamectin mixed with 13 insecticides in 7 insect pests, petroleum spray oil /(PSO/) and hexaflumuron were highly synergistic to abamectin in H. armigera with 420.0 and 253.3 of co-toxicity coeffeciency /(CTC/) respectively. A strong synergism was also found in the mixture of fenvalerate and phoxim in the pest with 330.6 of CTC. There were synergistic actions for abamectin mixed with fenpropathrin, alpha-cypermethrin, cyhalothrin, or esfenvalerate in P. xylostella, L. sativae, M. persicae, or P. citri with CTC 133.8 to 386.5, or mixed with chlorpyrifos or phoxim in H. armigera and P. xylostella with CTC 151.1 to 194.5. And abamectin mixed with azocyclotin or imidacloprid was synergistic or additive in P. citri and B. tabaci with 98.3 to 229.3. However, the mixtures of abamectin and monocrotophos, diazinon, or methamidophos had additive or even antagonistic effects in C. suppressalis and H. armigera with CTC 34.1 to 144.6.2. Also, synergisms of IGR in H. armigera and P. xyllostella were assayed, their poisoning symptom and mode of action was observed, and a foliar residue test for IGR in the 1st instar larvae of H. armigera and its susceptibility baseline were established, then cross resistance of hexaflumuron was studied. After treated with hexaflumuron, RH5349 and tebufenozide, larvae of 2 insect pests tended to move slowly with little sensitivity to a stimulate, feed on few food, molt abnornally and eventually die. Larvae treated with hexaflumuron died with a special symptom of the thin integument and a white transparent prominence on head, while larvae treated with RH5349 died with black and shrunken bodies, and living larvae abnormally molted in advance. Hexaflumuron had high contact and stomach toxicities to H. armigera with 0.7434 μg//larva of LD50 or 2.0592 mg//L of LC50. Tebufenozide was also stomach poisoning with 25.2576 mg//L of LC50, but RH5849 had little contact poison with more than 39.3633 μg//larva of LD50. PBO had a dose-dependent effect on hexaflumuron toxicity in H. armigera, i. e. synergistic at low dosages, but antagonistic at high dosage. A significant synergism was found in the mixture of tebufenozide and PSO in P. xyllostella, or the mixture of tebufenozide and hexaflumuron in H. armigera. When treated with RH5849 mixed hexaflumuron, some larvae of H. armigera showed the poisoned symptom of hexaflumuron, others were the symptom of RH5849, whereas a few larvae had the mixed symptom. Compared with topical application, IRAC No.7, and diet incorporation test, foliar residue test with 1 st instar larvae was a quick, easy, reliable technique and mostly suitable for IGR bioassay and resistance monitoring in Helicoverpa and Heliothis. There was no cross resistance to hexaflumuron in 2 fenvalerate-resistant field strains of////, armigera.3. Then, influences of petroleum spray oil /(PSO/) and synergists on toxicities of abamectin in H. armigera were studied. PSO and PBO increased the toxicity of abamectin in larvae, but the mortalities were not affected by DEF and TTP. The synergistic action of PSO was more si

关 键 词: 棉铃虫 阿维菌素 农用矿物喷淋油 昆虫生长调节剂 杀虫剂混配 混配联合作用 混配增效作用 增效效果 共毒系数 增效机理 表皮穿透 非特异性酯酶 羧酸酯酶 谷光甘肽 转移酶 多功能氧化酶 乙酰胆碱酯酶 抑制增效效果 共抑制系数 叶片残毒法 敏感性毒力基线 交互抗性

分 类 号: [S435.62]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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