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An Ecocritical Reading of Hemingway's Works

导  师: 戴桂玉

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文拟从生态批评的角度去探索海明威作品中所描述的自然及其体现的生态意识。研究表明,海明威在“大双心河”和《老人与海》中展示了人与自然相互联系、彼此平等的和谐关系。 本文共四个章节。第一章为引言,陈述了研究的目的和意义,介绍了所运用的生态批评研究理论。第二章回顾了海明威一生在自然世界里的丰富经历,以探索其浓厚的自然情结和生态意识。第三章着重分析了海明威作品中的两个人物角色—尼克·亚当和圣地亚哥,以及他们在作品里透露出的生态意识。扎营、露宿、捕鱼等一系列野外活动不仅使尼克曾经一度紊乱的精神回复了平衡,而且使他从一名人类中心说的支持者转变成生态中心观的趸足者。《老人与海》更是通过圣地亚哥与大马林鱼、鲨鱼的搏斗昭示了人类与自然的认同、平等和人类必须遵循自然规律。尼克·亚当和圣地亚哥对动物、土地以及自然的看法表明人类与自然的关系是相互关联、相互依存的,人类只有与自然和谐地相处,才能持续发展,生生不息。 最后一章为结论部分,总说了海明威是一个有生态意识的作家,在他的作品中海明威向读者阐明了人类与自然互相平等、相互依存的关系,警示人们面对自然时不应有一种以人类为中心的傲慢态度而应抱着众生平等的生态情怀。 The central task of this paper is to explore Hemingway's representations of nature and his ecological attitude toward nature in his works. This study will mainly discuss two of Hemingway's writings, namely, The Old and the Sea, and 'Big Two-hearted River'. By focusing on these two works, we hope to gain a view of Hemingway's ecological consciousness from an ecocritical perspective and suggest a way to a better understanding of Hemingway who concerns more about the interconnection between human and the nonhuman rather than man's mastery over other forms of life. It is hoped that this thesis will help nurture and foster people an appropriate sense of engagement with and responsibility for our surroundings, along with all its human and nonhuman inhabitants through reading such an essay.This study is divided into four parts. Chapter one is an introduction which first states the purpose and significance of this paper and then outlines the literary theory of ecocriticism on which the study is based. In chapter two we shall reveal the relationship between Hemingway and nature in order to trace his formation of ecological thinking. Part three explores the ecological consciousness in two of Hemingway's writings mentioned above. Nick's experience in the natural world recovers his mental balance and brings about his changing relationship to the land and its animals. The equality between human and the sea creatures demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea indicates that human is not superior to other creations but a part of the intricate web of life. In respecting nature's being human can live in harmony with his brothers and sisters-the nonhuman.Chapter four concludes that Hemingway is a writer with ecological consciousness. His ideas of the mutuality between human and nature illustrate what modern environmental movements advocate.

关 键 词: 生态批评 深层生态学 生态意识

分 类 号: [I712]

领  域: [文学]


作者 杨晓辉
作者 杜寅寅
作者 曾志浩
作者 付盛松
作者 陈荣庆


机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学管理学院旅游酒店管理系
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东工程职业技术学院
机构 广东工业大学


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
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