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On the Translation of Style in Fiction

导  师: 刘季春

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 风格的翻译是文学翻译中的一个重要问题,也是一个难题。然而,传统上风格翻译的研究还相对滞后,究其原因,主要有两点。 其一,是对风格的界定不一。在众多定义中,本文认同“风格即选择”这一观点。“选择”在此既包括对语言形式//叙事话语的选择,也包括对内容//叙事事实的选择,二者是辩证统一的关系。因此,本文沿用的是文体一元论,而非文体二元论或“多元论”的观点。本研究进而又采用了申丹对风格的界定:“风格是被艺术或主题意义激发出来的选择”。该定义使“选择”必须符合“主题相关”的标准,从而把与主题无关的“选择”排除在外。 其二,就是纯粹的语言学理论和一般的翻译理论都无法独立地指导文学语篇的翻译。因为文学翻译不仅要做到“指称对等”,还要做到“文体与美学效果的对等”。本论文将文学文体学——一门联系语言学与文学批评的交叉学科,引入风格翻译研究,旨在更好地解决这一问题。 本文从理论和实践两个层面对文学文体学应用于小说风格翻译研究的必要性和可行性作了探讨。在理论层面,本文指出了普通翻译研究的不足,同时指出了文学文体学从“小说事实”和“叙事语篇”两方面对解决文学翻译中常见的“假象等值”等问题的有效性。在实践层面,本文主要从语义和句法两方面分析了小说中语言形式的文体价值,并在实例中考察译者在风格把握方面的得与失。 Stylistic translation is an important and yet thorny issue in literary translation. However, traditionally the study of stylistic translation remains comparatively backward, which can be accounted for at two aspects.Firstly, there're controversial definitions of 'style', among which this thesis favors the view that "style is choice". 'Choice' here includes both choice of linguistic form//narrative discourse and content//narrative fact, and the relationship between them is dialectic and unified. Therefore, this thesis follows the line of stylistic monism rather than stylistic dualism or 'pluralism'. This thesis goes further to adopt Professor Shen Dan's definition of style: "style is artistically or thematically motivated choice". This definition necessitates the conformation of 'choice' to the criterion of 'thematic relevance', hence excluding all those thematically irrelevant choices from the current study.Secondly, pure linguistic theory or general translation studies alone cannot effectively guide the translation of literary discourse, for literary translation should not only aim at achieving 'referential equivalence', but also 'stylistic and artisticequivalence'. This thesis introduces literary stylistics —— an intermediate disciplinemediating between linguistics and literary studies, into the study of stylistic translation, aiming to help approach this problem.The thesis then explores the necessity and feasibility of applying literary stylistics into fictional stylistic translation from theoretical and practical perspectives. Theoretically, the author points out the inefficiency of general translation studies in guiding literary translation, and the effectiveness of literary stylistics in solving one of the common problems in literary translation, i.e. 'deceptive equivalence' at both levels of 'fictional fact' and 'narrative discourse'. Practically, the present study mainly analyzes the stylistic values of linguistic forms in fiction at the aspect of lexis and syntax respectively, and examines the gains as well as the losses of some translations in terms of stylistic values.

关 键 词: 风格 文学文体学 小说翻译

分 类 号: [I046]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


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