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A Study of Chinese Learners' Interlanguage Knowledge of the English Articles

导  师: 王初明

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 第二语言习得研究主要关注过渡语知识如何发展。本论文着重研究过渡语知识的一个方面,即中国学生英语冠词过渡语知识。一项探索性调查结果显示,中国学生对某些冠词用法掌握较好,但对另外一些冠词用法的掌握存在知识缺陷,即使高水平学生也是如此。针对这种冠词知识缺陷,研究将围绕三个问题展开:/(1/)英语和汉语之间的语言类型差别如何影响中国学生英语冠词习得?/(2/)冠词语义如何影响不同用法的习得难易度?/(3/)学习者因素如何限制英语冠词习得中的输入处理?文献综述表明,研究问题中所涉及的三个因素与二语学习者英语冠词过渡语知识的发展有密切关系。在文献综述的基础上,本论文提出了一个统一的符合第二语言习得认知研究的框架以指导后续研究。 后续研究包括三项具体研究,都在先前建立的框架中进行,每一项研究聚焦三个因素之一。研究1考察学习者因素对冠词习得的影响。研究结果显示,成人所特有的认知学习风格在输入处理中发挥作用而导致习得过程中出现语际和语内两类干扰。研究2探索二语冠词习得中定冠词过渡使用现象。此前的研究注意到二语学习者倾向于在非强制性情景中过渡使用定冠词并对此提出了各种不同的解释。本研究从另一角度考察了这一现象,并提供证据表明,复杂的冠词语义可能是造成过渡使用错误的深层原因。研究3调查二语冠词习得中零冠词误用现象/(亦称为零现象/)。通过对名词词组类型所作的分析可以看出,英语和汉语名词词组内部结构存在差异,导致英语中光杆可数名词单数形式的分布受到限制。但是,本研究结果显示,不同英语水平的中国学生表现出一种强烈的倾向,在理解与表达中大量使用这种不符合母语规范的形式。这项研究所得出的结论是,零现象与名词词组类型密切相关。 本论文报告的三项研究在一定程度上对三个研究问题提供了答案。研究所涉及的三个因素都对中国学生英语冠词习得造成影响并以不同的方式导致冠词知识缺陷。这些研究有助于加深对中国英语学习条件下成人习得英语冠词系统的了解。 The major concern of second language acquisition research is with how interlanguage develops. This thesis focuses on one area of study along this line by investigating Chinese learners' interlanguage knowledge of the English articles. An exploratory study shows that Chinese learners of English have a good command of some article usages but exhibit incomplete knowledge of other usages in spite of their high level of English proficiency. Learners' incomplete article knowledge is brought to a close scrutiny in this thesis, centering on three research questions: /(1/) how do typological differences between English and Chinese influence English article acquisition by Chinese learners? /(2/) how does article semantics affect ease or difficulty in the acquisition of different English article usages? and /(3/) how does the learner factor constrain input processing in English article acquisition? A review of literature shows that the three factors specified in the research questions bear on L2 learners' development of interlanguage knowledge of the English articles. Based on this review, a unified framework in conformity with the cognitive approach to SLA is proposed, guiding subsequent research.Within the framework three studies were carried out with each focusing on one factor. Study 1 examines the learner factor and its influence on article acquisition. The results show that adult learners' preferred cognitive learning style has a role to play in input processing, which manifests itself in either interlingual or intralingual interference in the acquisition process. Study 2 probes the phenomenon of overgeneralization of the in L2 article acquisition. Previous studies have shown that L2 learners tend to overgeneralize the in non-obligatory contexts. Although various explanations for such overgeneralization errors have been given, the present study approaches the issue from a different perspective and affords evidence that complex article semantics might be an underlying cause. Study 3 focuses on the erroneous nonuse of surface articles /(otherwise known as the zero phenomenon/) in L2 article acquisition. An analysis of the noun phrase typology reveals that English and Chinese differ in the internal structure of noun phrases and due to this difference, the distribution of bare singular count nouns are much restricted in English. However, the study shows that Chinese learners of different English proficiency exhibit a strong tendency to accept bare singular count nouns both in comprehension and in production, although this form is deviant from the native speaking norm. A conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the NP typology is related to the zero phenomenon.The three studies have gone some way towards answering the three research questions. All the three factors /(i.e. typological differences between English and Chinese, article semantics and the adult cognitive learning style/) influence English article acquisition by Chinese learners and contribute in various ways to their incomplete article knowledge. The studies have done much to deepen our understanding of how adult L2 learners acquire the English article system in the Chinese context.

关 键 词: 过渡语 中国学生 知识研究 学习者因素 名词词组 第二语言习得 认知学习

分 类 号: [H314]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 周保国
作者 陈惜珍
作者 吴旭东
作者 蔡金亭
作者 唐洁仪


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏