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The Comparative Evaluation Study of Sustainable Development between Pearl River Delta and Yantze River Delta

导  师: 陈忠暧

学科专业: 070502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 可持续发展的思想自20世纪80年代正式提出以来,已经被全世界各国所基本认同,一方面它已成为全球和国家发展战略的自然选择;另一方面也已成为诊断区域开发合理程度及其是否健康发展的标准。在将可持续发展从概念和理论逐步推向实践过程中,一个亟待解决的核心问题就是如何评估可持续发展。可持续发展评判的指标体系是对可持续发展进行科学评判和决策系统的一个重要组成部分。大珠三角和长三角作为中国经济发展最为活跃的两大地区,其可持续发展的状况和特征对其它地区的发展有着不可估量的影响,因此对两大地区的可持续发展度进行测评比较,并对其影响因素的结构差异进行分析,期望能够为决策部门制定更有针对性的可持续发展战略和积极有效的措施提供重要的参考依据。本文是围绕大珠三角和长三角地区的可持续发展状况进行的实证研究,用时空结合的思维方式探讨了两地可持续发展的结构差异特征和形成原因。全文的主要框架、内容如下: 全文共分六章:第一章首先对国内外可持续发展测评研究进行回顾,并对今后这一领域的研究趋向作了动态的展望,然后提出了本文的设计框架。第二章在遵循一定指标体系构建原则和方法的基础上,构建了测度针对大珠三角和长三角两大区域可持续发展度的指标体系,并对具体指标的选构和处理作了详细地介绍,该指标体系包括目标层、准则层、领域层和指标层四个递阶层次,共有38个指标。第三章是本文的核心,首先对可持续发展测评的测评方法和测评过程进行了简单的介绍,然后从可持续发展水平、可持续发展能力、可持续发展协调度和可持续发展度四个方面分析比较了大珠三角和长三角在1997年、2000年和2002年三个时间段面的测评结果差异。第四章是本文的重点和难点,本章首 Since the idea of sustainable development was formally put up forward in 1980', it has been approved by the people throughout the world. On one hand, it has become the natural choice of nation's development strtegy aroud the world. On the other hand, it has become the standard which diagnoses whether the area develops heathily. During the process of puting the theory into the practice, one probelem immediately to be solved is how to estimate sustainable development. The indicator system of sustainable development is one of the important part of the system which judges and makes policy to sustainable development. Pearl River Delta and Yantze River Delta, as the two most well developed areas in China, the situations of sustainable development in two large areas has great influence on the other areas. As a result, with the estimation and contrast of the situation of sustainable development between the two large areas, the analysis of the structure diffrences of the influence factors and the reasons which cause the diffrences, important reference basis for policy-making department to draft the sustainable development strategy and affective measures can be supplied. This paper makes an empirical research on the situations of sustainable development in Pearl River Delta and Yantze River Delta. The main frame and contents of the total paper are as follows: There are six chapters in this paper.Chaper 1: the study carried out at home and abroad is reviewed, then the design frame of this paper is put forward.Chaper 2: area sustainable development indicator system is constructed which includes four-class indicators, that is, objective level, standard level, field level, indicator level, 38 indicators together. Besides, how to choose and deal with the specific indicator is introduced.Chaper 3: this chapter is the core of the paper. Firstly, it briefly introduces the way of estimate and the whole estimation process. Then from sustainable development degree, sustainable development level, sustainable developmen

关 键 词: 大珠三角 长三角 可持续发展 指标体系 测评 层次分析法

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 蔡晓鸣
作者 高君林
作者 杨再高
作者 丘杉
作者 梁育民


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟