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导  师: 罗寿枚

学科专业: 070502

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学

摘  要: 随着人们生活水平的提高和闲暇时间的增多,休闲度假旅游获得发展,我国旅游产品进入观光和休闲度假并驾齐驱的阶段,这使度假区的规划建设成为全国性热潮。但我国自1992年试办国家级旅游度假区以来开发成功并具一定规模和影响力的项目并不多,原因在于度假区规划指导理论方面有待于进一步加强。正因为如此,本论文以度假区规划为研究对象,在理论和实践上进行初步探索。 本文以“景观”含义为线索,以度假区规划为依托,就度假区景观规划展开论述。本论文分两大部分,第一部分是度假区景观规划相关理论分析,第二部分以广东佛山南国桃园旅游度假区为例进行研究。 第一章介绍了度假区景观规划的概念和含义,认为从规划的角度来说,“景观”一词最核心的理解在于它具有生态含义、审美含义、功能含义和特色含义;通过分析景观规划的起源、特点以及通过景观规划与诸相关学科的对比分析阐述了景观规划的内涵。以上研究奠定了本论文的理论基础。 第二章借用景观生态学的“斑”、“廊”、“基”、“缘”的景观结构理论对度假区景观规划的内容进行分类概括。 第三章在对景观含义理解的基础上,认为度假区景观评价包括“景观生态评价”、“景观审美评价”、“景观功能评价”和“景观特色评价”四方面,并对度假区景观评价各项内容的细分项目进行初步归纳概括。 第四章在以上研究分析的基础上提出度假区景观规划的指导原则和技术路线,认为度假区景观规划应在充分调研和客观评价的基础上以市场为导向进行规划,在规划方案初步完成之后,还要能够根据市场需求进行评估优化。 第五章以广东佛山南国桃园旅游度假区为例,结合上文理论研究对度假区景观进行分析评价,并提出景观优化建议。 With the development of the living standard of the people and the increace of leisure time, the holiday travel has a further development, and now, it is staying with sight-seeing .This improved the construction of tourist resort. But there are few successful project since the development of national tourist resorts in 1992, the cause lies in the fact that the theories of planning of tourist resort need to be further strengthen. This is why this paper writes on this.The meaning of 'landscape' is used as the clue of the paper,and the explanation is carried out on the landscape planning of tourist resort. The paper is separated into two parts, the first part analyzed the theories of the landscape of tourist resort, the second part made a study on the case of a tourist resort of Nan guo tao yuan in Guangdong Foshan.The first chapter introduced the concept and the meaning of landscapeplanning of tourist resort. The paper insisted that the core of'landscape' lies on the meaning of ecology, aesthetic, sevice andfeature. The connotation of landscape planning was expanded, this laid thetheoretical foundation of the paper.The content of landscape planning of tourism resort was generalized and analyzed by applying the theory of landscape ecology in chapter two.The paper insisted that the landscape valuation included four aspects just as the valuation of ecology, aesthetic, sevice and feature;and the items of landscape valuation were sumde up in chapter three.In the forth chapter, the guiding principle and technical performance of landscape planning of tourist resort were propounded. The paper insisted that the landscape planning should be carried out on the basic of survey and valuation and should be guided by the demand. After the accomplishment, the planning program should be optimized.The fifth chapter carried out the case of Nan Guo Tao Yuan tourist resort, the paper analyzed the landscape of the tourist resort and gave some advice on optimization.

关 键 词: 度假区 景观 景观规划

分 类 号: [F592]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 陈芳
作者 梁旭阳
作者 马红
作者 谭妙洁


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 江门职业技术学院经济管理系


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟