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Study on Village Scale Landscape Long-term Change Based on '3S' Technology

导  师: 游先祥

学科专业: 090704

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学

摘  要: “3S”技术是景观生态学研究的重要技术工具,景观格局和斑块结构是景观生态学研究的重点和核心。以往的有关景观格局和结构及其变化的研究,研究尺度比较大,一般选用小比例尺图件和中,低空间分辩率遥感数据;时间跨度也不大一般为几年,十年或二十年。随着空间技术的不断发展,从信息获取角度,逐步能满足小尺度景观生态研究的要求。目前,深入研究村级小尺度景观格局及其长期动态变化的研究工作不多见。应用“3S”技术,进行小尺度景观数据信息采集方法获取景观数据,并借助景观异质化,破碎化等指标和空间分析的方法,研究了工业化前/(第二次世界大战,ww2,1944年/)和工业化后/(当前,2002年/)相距近60年的两个时期村级景观格局及其动态变化,得到以下主要结果: 1 根据村级小尺度景观特点,主要考虑地形、人为管理模式以及自然植被和人工植被状态等因子,采用地形/(FORM/)-土地利用方式/(USE/)-土地覆盖/(COVER/)-景观组/(GROUP/)-景观单元类型/(TYPE/)逐级分类方法,能较客观地描述村级景观特征。 2 本研究表明,对小尺度村级景观的研究应充分利用3S技术,点面相结合既宏观分析与微观数据采集相结合,应用高空间分辨率的遥感数据和反映其景观格局变化特点的景观指数计算进行分析,进而对村级生态环境变迁趋势进行分析,为村级生态环境改善提供理论和数据依据。 3 中,低空间分辨率卫星影像和高空间分辨率遥感影像相结合,利用逐级抽样方法,从经济上和从数据精度上能满足从大尺度宏观分析进而对小尺度景观研究的需要。获取高分辨率遥感影像,通过遥感和GIS分析,结合GPS地面精确定位调查,是高质量小尺度景观样本研究数据获取行之有效的方法。试验表明,该方法对现状景观结构与斑块结构调查的可重复性精度在87.71/%到92.33/%之间。对历史景观调查的可重复性精度在80.10/%至91.83/%之间。现状景观信息提取的精确度大约在93.2/%。 4 2002和WW2时期相比较,FORM类型少了一种/(小溪/),多了3种USE类型/(畜牧/(L/)、观赏园艺/(O/)和有灌溉条件的早作地/(I/)/)。COVER类型数不变,而GROUP类型变化很大,多了近10种。 IJ…leses月......... 摘要 5比较两时期各级类型的斑块水平景观指数,从优势度指数来看,FORM变化最 小,两时期都是缓坡/(SL/)和山麓/(FS/)优势度最大:而COVER类型中,优势度最 大的类型由M/(一年生植被,裸露土壤,多年生植被混合/)变成P/(多年生植被覆 盖/)。从分离度来看,虽然两时期的池塘斑块数量和斑块大小不同,但都具有高度 分散的特点。最大斑块指数/(LPI/)变化最明显的是在GROUP类型中,由WWZ时期 的ow/(灌丛林/)变为oe/(果园/),这是农村经济发展和产业结构调整,在丘陵地 区大面积开垦果园的结果。从平均分维数来看,斑块形状最复杂的是WWZ时期的小 溪和裸露地表。 6 2002与WWZ相t匕,村级景观类型/(Eeotope/)由27种增加到85种,景观丰 富度增加了将近4倍之多。斑块数从264增加到961,斑块密度由88.1增加到 320.6,最大斑块指数仅是原来的三分之一,表明村级景观破碎化程度加剧。景观 斑块形状指数,由14.2增加到23.8,斑块形状也更为复杂。景观聚集度的降低, 反映了同类型斑块之间的距离增加,佐证了破碎化程度的严重。景观多样性指数从 1.53到3.14,景观多样性增加。景观均匀度指数从0.46到0.71,景观异质性加 大。 7分析料2到2002的类型转换和空间变化分布,有近85/%的空间FORM类型保 持不变,不变的区域集中在丘陵。有大约35/%USE类型的空间位置发生了变化,大 多集中在居民区即村庄及其周围以及丘陵地区。将近有70/%的地方,COVER发生了 变化。面积变化最多的是类型P/(多年生植被覆盖/),P的最大来源是M/(一年生 植被,裸露土壤,多年生植被混合/)。COVER变化也主要分布在丘陵地区。总的来 看,变化集中在人口密集和活动频繁的村庄周围以及大量种植果园的丘陵地带地区 这也与农村人口增长和经济发展需要引起土地利用模式变动有关。 8 wwZ时期村级景观类型中,最主要的类型是丘陵天然灌丛林/(SLTMow02/), 面积占总量的48.07/%;其次是水稻/(FSPAriol/)和缓坡无灌溉设施旱地小管理尺度 /(SLRAae04/),分别占23.20/%和15.44/%。2002年,主要类型的数量增加,各占比 重相对均匀,它们是FSPAri01/(水稻/),SLTPob02/(丘陵疏林/),SLRPoe41/(丘陵 成熟荔枝园/),SLRMoe38/(丘陵幼荔枝园/)和SLTMow02,面积所占的比率为 16.20/%,11.93/%,8.03/%,7.22/%,6.04/%。两时期相比,只有大约20/%的地方,村级 景观类型没有发生变化。变化最大的是类型是SLTMow02。SLTMowOZ主要转移成 RS, GIS and GPS are important tools on landscape ecology research. Landscape pattern and patch structure are the focal points and core. Most Landscape research based on large scale and short term change. Few studies have been conducted in further research on small-scale landscape ecology and its' dynamic changing. It comes now fulfilling the requirement of the research on small-scale landscape ecology with the developing of the spatial technology. Using '3S' tools , comparing landscape index and spatial analysis methods, based on 12 500mX500m village scale landscape as study objects, studied on village landscape pattern and long term changes in two different time period /(ww2 and 2002/). The main results listed as follow:1. According to the features of village scale landscape, considering landform, management and biota feature, select using FORM-USE-COVER-GROUP-TYPE strategy classification system. It can describe the features more accurately.2. Combining large-scale analysis and small-scale landscape sampling data survey, 3S technology can be used in village landscape research. The analysis results of village landscape changes can be used to improve village ecology environment.3. Getting high- resolution image, through RS and GIS analyzing and GPS field survey, all above are effective methods for getting data of high quality small-scale landscape ecology study. The method repeatable for current landscape survey is in 87.71/% to 92.33/%, and 80.10/% to 91.83 for ww2 landscape survey. The accuracy of current landscape survey is 93.2/%.4. Compare 2002 and WW2, one FORM /(RS, small stream/) disappeared. There are new 3 USE type/(Livestock, Ornamental, and Irrigated land/). There are no COVER type changes. GROUP had great changes.5. Compared two times patch scale landscape index, the most dominance index are SL and FS. The ponds are highly separately. The large patch is ow in ww2, but oe in 2002. The most complex patch shape is small stream and bared earth.6. Compared 2002 and WW2, village scale ecotope increased from 27 to 85, the landscape richness increased 4 times. Patches amount increased from 264 to 961, patches density increase from 88.1 to 320.6, largest patches is 1//3 of the past, it shows landscape more fragmental. The landscape shape index increased from 14.2 to 23.8. The shapes of patches and the landscape structure are more complex. The decreasing of landscape contagion index shows distance between different kinds of types increased, which proves landscape more fragmental. Shannon landscape diversity index increases from 1.53 to 3.14 means landscape variety increased. Landscape evenness index increased from 0.46 to 0.71, means landscape heterogeneous increased. 7. There are about 80/% of FORM spatial position have no changed, mostly concentrated in hilly area. There is about 35/% of USE spatial position have changed, mostly concentrated in residential areas /(village and nearby/). And There are 70/% of places changed in COVER. The type changed most in area is P, P mainly come from M. Cover changed mainly in hilly area.8. In WW2, the mainly village scale landscape type is SLTMow02. Its area is 144.22 hectares, which cover 48.07/% of total. Secondly are FSPAri01 and SLRAac04, areas are 69.59 and 46.32 hectares and covered 23.20/% and 15.44/%. In 2002, main types distributed averagely。 They are FSPAri01, SLTPob02, SLRPoe41, SLRMoe38 and SLTMow02, the area are 48.59, 35.80, 24.08, 21.65 and 18.11 hectares, which covered 16.20/%, 11.93/%, 8.03/%, 7.22/% and 6.04/%. Compared the two times, there are only 20/% places, which have no changes in village scale landscape /(ecotope/). SLTMow02 changed most. SLTMow02 mainly transferred to SLTPob02 and XXXoeXXX. The total transfer ratio is 19/%. There are 8 types disappeared. They are ANCSnb30, PAAWaq07, PAFWwa02, PBFWwaOl, PBFWwa02, RSFWwa02, SLFEbe01 and SLTMpe03. In general, except the paddy fields keeps stable, other places changed great.

关 键 词: 分类系统 村级景观格局 景观指数 景观变化

分 类 号: [P901]

领  域: [天文地球]



机构 广州大学地理科学学院


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡