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Studies on Quantitative Genetics and Breeding of Pacific Abalone

导  师: 张国范;刘晓

学科专业: 070703

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国科学院研究生院

摘  要: 本论文研究了皱纹盘鲍表型性状的遗传力、遗传相关和路径分析、群体间的杂种优势和配合力、近交效应、家系生物学性状比较和基因型与环境互作,主要结果如下: 1 遗传力、遗传相关和路径分析 采用平衡巢式设计,每个雄鲍与 3 个雌鲍建立交配组合,构建了 12 个父系半同胞家系和 36 个母系全同胞家系,定期分别测定每个全同胞家系的壳长与壳宽,分析皱纹盘鲍早期生长性状的遗传力与遗传相关。结果表明:在第 10、20 和 30 天,壳长的遗传力分别为 0.4891、0.4375 和 0.2022,壳宽的遗传力分别为 0.4275、0.3437 和 0.1423,壳长与壳宽的遗传相关系数分别为 0.8605、0.8494 和 0.7629。 分析壳长/(X1/)、壳宽/(X2/)、壳高/(X3/)、壳重/(X4/)、肌肉重/(X5/)和体重/(Y/)之间的表型相关系数,采用路径分析方法计算表型性状为自变量对全湿重为依变量的路径系数。结果表明:1/)表型性状间的相关性显著/(P<0.05/);2/)壳长与全湿重间的相关系数最大,但壳长对全湿重的直接影响较小,主要通过肌肉重和壳宽影响全湿重;3/)多元回归分析建立了壳长、壳高、壳重和肌肉重估计全湿重的回归方程为 Y= -38.7123 + 0.5976 X1 +0.6156 X3 + 0.7753 X4+ 0.9981 X5。 2 杂种优势和配合力分析 以采自中国长海/(A/)和日本宫城/(B/)海区的 2 个野生群体为亲本,按照完全双列杂交的方式,建立了 4 个交配组合/(AA、AB、BA 和 BB/),比较 2 个杂交组合受精率、孵化率、变态率和生长的优势率。结果表明:1/)4 个组合间受精率、孵化率和变态率存在显著的差异/(P<0.05/);在第 8、20、30、43、160、300 和 330 天,4 个组合间的壳长存在显著的差异/(P<0.05/)。2/)组合 AB 和 BA 变态率的优势率分别为 9.33/%和 7.22/%。3/)在各生长期,组合 AB 壳长的优势率分别为-2.29/%-10.48/%,组合 BA 壳长的优势率分别为-6.83/%-3.36/%。 邓岳文 皱纹盘鲍数量遗传与育种研究 博士学位论文 以杂交子代 F1/(CA,母本与父本分别来自日本和韩国/)与辽宁长海/(B/)群体建立 两个交配组合/(BCA 和 BB/),研究子代在受精率、孵化率、变态率和生长的优势率。结 果表明:1/)两个交配组合受精率的差异不显著/(P>0.05/),但孵化率和变态率的差异显著 /(P<0.05/);2/)在第 8 天两个交配组合间的壳长差异不显著/(P>0.05/),但在 20、43、160、 300 和 330 天组合间的壳长差异显著/(P<0.05/);3/)组合 BCA 的受精率、孵化率和变态 率的优势率分别为 3.96/%、-20.09/%和 13.61/%。在各生长期,壳长优势率的变化范围为 0.30/%-10.24/%。 以采自日本仙台,辽宁长海与山东青岛皱纹盘鲍野生群体为亲本,按照完全双列杂交 的设计,建立个 9 个交配组合,估计了在不同生长期的配合力和杂种优势率。结果表明: 1/)在 8、20、40 和 94 天,一般配合力效应达显著水平/(P<0.05/);在 20、40 和 94 天, 壳长的特殊配合力和正反交效应均达显著水平/(P<0.05/)。2/)随着生长,一般配合力方差 的比例逐渐下降,而特殊配合力方差的比例逐渐增加,大部分组合的优势率逐渐增加。3/) 在各生长期,一般配合力的效应值与平均杂种优势率的相关不显著/(P>0.05/),但相关系 数逐渐增加,特殊配合力效应与杂种优势率相关显著/(P<0.05/),总配合力与组合壳长值 相关显著/(P<0.05/)。 3 近交退化 以同胞和半同胞家系为材料,设计两个完全双列杂交/(Set I 和 Set II/),研究近交和母 本效应对皱纹盘鲍的变态率和早期生长的影响。实验结果表明:1/)在 Set I 中,变态率和 第 6、10 和 20 天生长的退化率分别为 8.65/%,-1.06/%,3.25/%和 4.98/%;在 Set II 中,变 态率和第 6、10 和 20 天生长的退化率分别为 39.3/%,1.92/%,4.99/%和 3.37/%。2/)在 Set I 中,母本效应对变态率和第 6 天生长的影响显著/(P<0.05/),但在第 10 和 20 天母本母本 效应对生长的影响不显著/(P>0.05/);在 Set II 中,母本效应对变态率和第 6、10、20 天生 长的影响不显著/(P>0.05/)。 利用全同胞和半同胞交配研究两种不同的近交水平/(F = 0.125 和 F = 0.25/)对皱纹盘 鲍的变态和早期生长的影响。实验结果表明:1/)近交组合间的变态率和第 6、10、20 天 的壳长没有存在显著差异/(P<0.05/)。2/)近交组合间的变态率和第 6、10、20 天的壳长的 平均退化率分别为 9.05/%、-0.57/%、1.58/%和 3.81/%。 In the study, heritability, genetic correlation and path analysis were conducted for morphological traits. Heterosis and combining ability were analyzed with parents from wild populations /(stocks/). Inbreeding depression on early performance was calculated involving full-sib and half-sib mating. Family comparison and genotype-environment interaction were studied. The main results of the study were the following: 1 Heritability, genetic correlation and path analysis Twelve half-sib families and thirty-six full-sib families were obtained by a nested design of each male mated with three females. The heritability and genetic correlation were analyzed based on data of shell length and width. The results showed that at Days 6, 10 and 20, the heritability for shell length were separately 0.4891、0.4375 and 0.2022, the heritability for shell width being separately 0.4275, 0.3437 and 0.1423, the genetic correlation being 0.8605, 0.8494 and 0.7629. Shell length /(X1/), shell width /(X2/), shell height /(X3/), shell weight /(X4/), muscle weight /(X5/) and total weight /(Y/) were measured. The Pearson correlation coefficients among the traits were calculated. The total weight was used as dependent variable and the other traits were used independent variable for path analysis. The results showed that the correlation coefficients among the traits were significant /(P<0.05/). The correlation coefficient between shell length and total weight was highest, but shell length had a slightly direct effect and a highly indirect effect through shell width and muscle weight on total weight. The regression equation to estimate total weight was Y= -38.7123 + 0.5976 X1 +0.6156 X3 + 0.7753 X4+ 0.9981 X5 2 Heterosis and combining ability Four groups /(AA, AB, BA and BB/) were obtained by a full diallel design with parents from two wild populations. The heterosis for metamorphosis rate and growth of AB and BA were compared. The results showed: 1/) Fertilization rate, hatching rate and metamorphosis rate of the four groups were significant /(P<0.05/). Growth was significant different among the four groups at Days 8, 20, 30, 43, 160, 300 and 330. 2/) The heterosis for metamorphosis rate of AB and BA were 9.33/% and 7.22/%, respectively. 3/) At ages, the heterosis for growth of AB ranged from -2.29/% and 10.48/%, the heterosis for growth of BA ranging between -6.83/% and 3.36/%. Two groups /(BCA and BB/) were obtained with females from the first generation of hybrid seed and males from Changhai in China. The heterosis for fertilization rate, hatching rate, metamorphosis rate and growth were studied. The results showed: 1/) The fertilization rate of the two groups were insignificant /(P>0.05/), but the hatching rate and metamorphosis rate of the two groups were significant /(P<0.05/).2/) At Day 8 the difference on shell length of the two groups was insignificant, however at Days 20, 30, 43, 160, 300 and 330 the difference on shell length was significant /(P<0.05/). 3/)The heterosis for fertilization rate, hatching rate and metamorphosis rate were3.96/%、20.09/% and 13.61/%, respectively. 4/) At ages, the heterosis for growth was between 0.30/% and 10.24/%. Nine groups were constructed by a full diallel design with parents from three wild populations. Combining ability and heterosis were studied. The results showed: 1/) At Days 8, 20, 40 and 94, general combining ability /(GCA/) was significant. At Days 20, 40 and 94, specific combining ability /(SCA/) and reciprocal effects /(RE/) were significant /(P<0.05/). 2/) With ages, variance component percent for GCA decreased, while variance component percent for SCA and heterosis for growth increased. 3/) At ages, correlation coefficient between GCA and heterosis was insignificant /(P>0.05/), while that between SCA and heterosis was significant. Total combining ability was significantly related to shell length of hybrid groups. 4 Inbreeding depressions Effects of inbreeding and maternity on early performance were studied in the Pacific abalone using two sets of 2 x 2 factorial crosses involving sister-brother mating. Metamorphosis success and larval growth in f

关 键 词: 皱纹盘鲍 遗传力与遗传相关 路径分析 杂种优势与配合力 近交退化 家系比较 基因型与环境互作

分 类 号: [S968.3]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林